08-21-2010, 08:37 AM
Seismic Design Requirement in ACI 318-08
By : Luis Enrique García
Type: PDF (fom Powerpoint)
Page: 92 slide ( 4 slides per 1 page PDF)
Link :
PS. Dear Admin and Moderator , I'm sorry i am not use CODE TAG for link website and POSTGEN for post exam picture. Because I must use web proxy to access civiea.com . In my country cannot direct access to this website. Why?
By : Luis Enrique García
Type: PDF (fom Powerpoint)
Page: 92 slide ( 4 slides per 1 page PDF)
Link :
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PS. Dear Admin and Moderator , I'm sorry i am not use CODE TAG for link website and POSTGEN for post exam picture. Because I must use web proxy to access civiea.com . In my country cannot direct access to this website. Why?