- ACI 445.2: Strut-and-Tie Method Guidelines for ACI 318 - Guide (3 Replies)
- ACI 318: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary (76 Replies)
- ACI 213.2.: Internal Curing Using Prewetted Fine Lightweight Aggregate—TechNote (0 Replies)
- ACI 211.10: Assessing Combined Aggregate Gradings (0 Replies)
- ACI 349-359: Design of Nuclear Safety-Related Structures for Impactive and Impulsive (0 Replies)
- ACI ITG-11: Statistical Techniques for Assessment of Existing Concrete Structure (1 Reply)
- ACI-TMS 122.3: Thermal Properties of Concrete and Masonry for Use in Determining Ener (0 Replies)
- ACI 440.13: Strengthening Structural Concrete with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Sys (0 Replies)
- ACI 349: Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety Related Concrete Structures (5 Replies)
- ACI 355.2: Post-Installed Mechanical Anchors in Concrete—Qualification Requir (1 Reply)
- ACI 323: Low-Carbon Concrete - Code Requirements and Commentary (0 Replies)
- ACI 351.4: Cementitious Grout Installation between Foundations and Equipment Bases (0 Replies)
- ACI 336.1: Construction of Drilled Piers (0 Replies)
- ACI 131.2: Use of Industry Foundation Classes in Exchange of Reinforcement Models (0 Replies)
- ACI 330.1: Concrete Parking Lots and Site Paving (0 Replies)
- ACI 351.5: Epoxy Grout Installation between Foundations and Equipment Bases—Specifica (0 Replies)
- ACI 228.1: Report on Methods for Estimating In-Place Concrete Strengt (0 Replies)
- ACI 548.11: Application of Epoxy and Latex Adhesives for Bonding Freshly Mixed and Ha (0 Replies)
- ACI 357: Design and Construction of Fixed Offshore Concrete Structures (0 Replies)
- ACI 334.3: Construction of Concrete Shells Using Inflatable Forms - Report (0 Replies)