Soil Investigation and Mechanics
- ASCE: Geotechnical Testing, Observation & Documentation, 2nd Edition (6 Replies)
- Geosynthetics in Civil and Environmental Engineering: Geosynthetics Asia 2008 Proceed (0 Replies)
- Soil Engineering Testing Design And Remediation: R N Reddy (7 Replies)
- Soil Mechanics Lab Manual, 2 edition (6 Replies)
- Triaxial Testing of Soils (1 Reply)
- Soil Improvement: Prefabricated Vertical Drain Techniques (2 Replies)
- Rock and Soil Mechanics (0 Replies)
- In Situ Testing in Geomechanics: The Main Tests (4 Replies)
- In Situ Tests in Geotechnical Engineering (1 Reply)
- Fundamentals of Soil Compaction (0 Replies)
- Rockfall Engineering (2 Replies)
- Erosion in Geomechanics Applied to Dams and Levees (2 Replies)
- Engineering Rock Mass Classifications: Tunnelling, Foundations and Landslides (1 Reply)
- Rock Dynamics and Applications - State of the Art (4 Replies)
- Innovative Numerical Modelling in Geomechanics (3 Replies)
- Frozen Ground Engineering, 2nd edition (2 Replies)
- Soil Laboratory Manual - sixth edition (2 Replies)
- Experimental Soil Mechanics (8 Replies)
- Guidelines for the Safe Investigation by Drilling of Landfills and Contaminated Land (3 Replies)
- NCHRP R697 - Design Guidelines for Increasing the Lateral Resistance of Highway-Bridg (2 Replies)