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- Strut and Tie Modelling to New AS3600 Provisions (3 Replies)
- CONCRETE MIX DESIGN _Ambuja Cement Technical Literature Series (1 Reply)
- PCI Connections Manual (4 Replies)
- CS TR43: Post-Tensioned Concrete Floors: Design HandBook (6 Replies)
- Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (4 Replies)
- Nonlinear Pushover Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures (3 Replies)
- Strengthening and Rehabilitation of Civil Infrastructures Using Fibre-Reinforced Poly (2 Replies)
- VSL and StrongForce Post-tensioning system (2 Replies)
- Post-Tensioning Tendon Installation and Grouting Manual (2 Replies)
- The Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings (2 Replies)
- Worked Examples For The Design of Concrete Buildings (8 Replies)
- Design and Construction of Concrete Masonry Buildings (3 Replies)
- Econmic Concrete Frame Elements (2 Replies)
- Precast Concrete Frame Buildings - Design Guide (2 Replies)
- Concrete Behaviour in Multiaxial Compression (0 Replies)
- Concrete Design to EN 1992, Second Edition by L. H. Martin and J. A. Purkiss (6 Replies)
- ACI SP-224 Thin Reinforced Cement-Based Products and Construction Systems (0 Replies)
- EB 217 White Cement Concrete (0 Replies)
- SP 041 Concrete Floor Systems Guide to Estimating and Economizing (0 Replies)