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Methods and Techniques in Urban Engineering - Printable Version

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Methods and Techniques in Urban Engineering - hazus - 08-02-2011

Methods and Techniques in Urban Engineering

Author: Armando Carlos de Pina Filho & Aloísio Carlos de Pina | Size: 9.7 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: In-Tech | Year: 2010 | pages: 262 | ISBN: 9789533070964

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Several countries present a series of urban problems, such as: dwelling deficit, infrastructure problems, inefficient services, environmental pollution, etc. Urban Engineering searches solution for these problems, by using a conjoined system of planning, management and technology.
Many researches are related to application of instruments, methodologies and tools for monitoring and acquisition of data, based on the factual experience and computational modelling. Some subjects of study are: urban automation; geographic information systems (GIS); analysis, monitoring and management of urban noise, floods and transports; information technology applied to the cities; tools for urban simulation, social monitoring and control of urban policies; sustainability; etc.
Therefore, the objective of this book is to present some works related to these subjects, showing methods and techniques applied in Urban Engineering.
From the great number of interesting information presented here, we believe that this book can offer some aid in new researches, as well as to incite the interest of people for this area of study, since Urban Engineering is fundamental for the development of the cities.

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RE: Methods and Techniques in Urban Engineering - niki102 - 08-02-2011

Methods and Techniques in Urban Engineering

Size: 9.7 MB | Format: PDF

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Methods and Techniques in Urban Engineering - malc - 08-27-2011

Methods and Techniques in Urban Engineering

Author: Armando Carlos de Pina Filho | Size: 9 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: In-Tech | Year: 2010 | pages: 270 | ISBN: 9789533070964

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1. Urban Engineering: Concepts and Challenges
Alex Abiko

2. Partnership between Municipality and Public University to
Improve the Sustainable Development of Small Municipalities
Camilo Michalka Jr.

3. Experiences with the Urbanisation of Slums:
Management and Intervention Models
Adauto Lucio Cardoso, Angela Maria Gabriella Rossi

4. Locating Sites for Locally Unwanted Land Uses:
Successfully Coping with NIMBY Resistance
Stefan Siedentop

5. Computational Tools applied to Urban Engineering
Armando Carlos de Pina Filho, Fernando Rodrigues Lima, Renato Dias Calado do Amaral

6. Research on Urban Engineering Applying Location Models
Carlos Alberto N. Cosenza, Fernando Rodrigues Lima, César das Neves

7. Spatial Analysis for Identifying Concentrations of Urban Damage
Joseph Wartman, Nicholas E. Malasavage

8. The Use of Simulation in Urban Modelling
Rosane Martins Alves, Carl Horst Albrecht

9. Urban Engineering 2.0 - Medial Construction of
Regional and Local Identification with RegioWikis and CityBlogs
Stefan Selke

10. Urban Flood Control, Simulation and Management - an Integrated Approach
Marcelo Gomes Miguez, Luiz Paulo Canedo de Magalhães

11. Urban Water Quality after Flooding
Jorge Henrique Alves Prodanoff, Flavio Cesar Borba Mascarenhas

12. Efficient Solutions for Urban Mobility - Policies, Strategies and Measures
Alvaro Seco, Ana Bastos Silva

13. A Contribution to Urban Transport System
Analyses and Planning in Developing Countries
Giovani Manso Ávila

14. Urban Noise Pollution Assessment Techniques
Fernando A. N. Castro Pinto

15. Sound Pressure Measurements in Urban Areas
Fernando A. N. Castro Pinto

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