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ASTM STP740 - Laboratory Shear Strength of Soil - Printable Version

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ASTM STP740 - Laboratory Shear Strength of Soil - hich - 12-19-2010

Laboratory shear strength of soil: STP740

Author: Yong RN, Townsend FC | Size: 11.3 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: ASTM | Year: 1981 | pages: 720 |
ISBN: 978-0-8031-0789-2

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Describes the development of new test techniques and methods for the evaluation of the laboratory shear strength of soil.

Table of Contents

Yong R., Townsend F.

Yong R., Townsend F.

State of the Art: Laboratory Strength Testing of Soils
Saada A., Townsend F.

Comparison of Various Methods for Determining K0
Al-Hussaini M.

Apparatus and Techniques for Static Triaxial Testing of Ballast
Alva-Hurtado J., McMahon D., Stewart H.

Mechanical Behavior and Testing Methods of Unsaturated Soils
Edil T., Motan S., Toha F.

Determination of Tensile Strength of Soils by Unconfined-Penetration Test
Fang H., Fernandez J.

Torsion Shear Apparatus for Soil Testing
Lade P.

A Servo System for Controlled Stress Path Tests
Law K.

A New Control System for Soils Testing
Mitchell R.

Lateral Stress Measurements in Direct Simple Shear Device
Dyvik R., Zimmie T., Floess C.

Tensile Properties of Compacted Soils
Al-Hussaini M.

Effect of Organic Material on Soil Shear Strength
Andersland O., Khattak A., Al-Khafaji A.

Effect of Shearing Strain-Rate on the Undrained Strength of Clay
Cheng R.

Undrained Shear Behavior of a Marine Clay
Koutsoftas D.

Shearing Behavior of Compacted Clay after Saturation
Lovell C., Johnson J.

Plane-Strain Testing of Sand
Marachi N., Duncan J., Chan C., Seed H.

Effect of End Membrane Thickness on the Strength of “Frictionless” Cap and Base Tests
Norris G.

Field Density, Gradation, and Triaxial Testing of Large-Size Rockfill for Little Blue Run Dam
Thiers G., Donovan T.

State of the Art: Data Reduction and Application for Analytical Modeling
Ko H., Sture S.

Normalized Stress-Strain for Undrained Shear Tests
Drnevich V.

The Critical-State Pore Pressure Parameter from Consolidated-Undrained Shear Tests
Mayne P., Swanson P.

Nonlinear Anisotropic Stress-Strain-Strength Behavior of Soils
Prevost J.

A General Time-Related Soil Friction Increase Phenomenon
Schmertmann J.

On the Random Aspect of Shear Strength
Yong R., Tabba M.

Preconsolidation Pressure Predicted Using su/¯p Ratio
Anderson T., Lukas R.

Stress Path Tests with Controlled Rotation of Principal Stress Directions
Arthur J., Bekenstein S., Germaine J., Ladd C.

Shear Strength of Cohesionless Soils from Incremental Creep Test Data
Baladi G., Lentz R., Goitom T., Boker T.

Comparison of Shear Strength Values Derived from Laboratory Triaxial, Borehole Shear, and Cone Penetration Tests
Lambrechts J., Rixner J.

Borehole Shear Test in Geotechnical Investigations
Lutenegger A., Hallberg G.

Concepts for a Shear-Normal Gage to Estimate In Situ Soil Strength and Strength Angle
McNeill R., Green S.

Residual Shear Strength Determination of Overconsolidated Nespelem Clay
Miedema D., Byers J., McNearny R.

The Need for Pore Pressure Information from Shear Tests
Shields D., Skermer N.

Behavior of an Overconsolidated Sensitive Clay in Drained K0-Triaxial Tests
Silvestri V.

Discussion of “State of the Art: Laboratory Strength Testing of Soils”
Lacasse S., Vucetic M.

Discussion of “State of the Art: Laboratory Strength Testing of Soils”
Christian J.

Discussion on Laboratory Shear Devices
Ladd C.

Limitations of Direct Simple Shear Test Devices
La Rochelle P.

Discussion of Soil Testing Practices
Poulos S.

Some Aspects of Clay Behavior and Their Consequences on Modeling Techniques
Tavenas F.

Development, Testing Requirements, and Fitting Procedure of Elastic-Plastic Models
Baladi G.

A Qualitative Stress-Strain (Time) Model for Soft Clays
Crooks J.

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RE: Laboratory shear strength of soil: STP740 - Dell_Brett - 12-20-2010

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RE: Laboratory shear strength of soil: STP740 - Grunf - 12-20-2010

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Uploaded: 12/20/2010, File Size: 10.54 MB, RAR'd single PDF (paginated, searchable text)

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