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Design of urban water distribution Network - Printable Version

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Design of urban water distribution Network - wafiullah - 08-06-2010


I would be immensly grateful if someone could assist me in Designing Guidlines and Procedure for Urban Water Supply Network.

I am Particularly Intersted in Providing the Designed sheets for Hydraulic pipline and relevent Hydraulic structures

Best Regards

RE: Design of urban water distribution Network - chigozie - 08-07-2010

Use google search to locate and download EPANET. Read the manual and try the tutorials. You will also get other usefull information at same site.
Good luck

RE: Design of urban water distribution Network - ska51 - 08-07-2010

In response of post#2,

Yeah, EPANET is a free and nice software for working in hydraulic modeling of pipeline and many more in water supply sector.

In this connetion, I would like to add that this forum does also contain some sorts of other similar softwares relevant to working in water supply like BossStormNet, WaterCAD etc.

Also, I would suggest to use SWMM model to work for urban water management system. All the best.

RE: Design of urban water distribution Network - hazus - 08-07-2010

Hello all, I want to add also cype 2011b posted by Benny.P, wich contain a module for such design.
But let's start with data needed for design:
1- hourly average demand (projected number of citizen*demand per citizen)
2- daily and hourly pic coefficient
3- fire stations positions
4- network to be designed
5- tank position

Then you calculate
1- pic hourly demand Qphd,
2- specific flow Qsf=Qphd/TOT lenghth of network
3- demand flow per pipe : Qfp=Qsf*L (pipe)
4- demand in the nodes assuming that every pipe will offer 50% in the beginning and 50% in the end

All this calculation is necessary to apply hardy cross method to calculate diameter, pressure, flows, velocity, tank elevation, pumps...


RE: Design of urban water distribution Network - chigozie - 09-06-2010

ska51 wrote:-
……working in water supply like BossStormNet, WaterCAD etc…… I would suggest to use SWMM model to work for urban water
management system. ……..

Please not that BossStormNet and SWMM are not for the design of water supply network. They are for storm, sewage and wastewater systems’ design/management.

hazus wrote:-
…..Then you calculate 1- pic hourly demand Qphd, 2- specific
flow Qsf=Qphd/TOT lenghth of network 3- demand flow per
pipe : Qfp=Qsf*L (pipe) 4- demand in the nodes assuming that
every pipe will offer 50% in the beginning and 50% in the end
All this calculation is necessary to apply hardy cross method to calculate
diameter, pressure, flows, velocity, tank elevation, pumps...

Comment:- That’s a good and an elaborate guide.
If you are using any of the software (at least EPANET), you do not have the need to calculate most of the parameters as enumerated above. You only have to establish your demand, the positions, elevations, the appurtenances of the your network and the software will do the rest. For a beginning, it would be very useful to evaluate the parameters enumerated above as to have a feel of the design(though not necessary as to get the programmes running).