Dear All,
We in office are having problem with Autocad 2008. Whenever we copy something from one Cad drawing and paste it on another. Computer freezes to work for around 15 minutes than come back again than we can paste the copied object. it is happening on All computers. I tried the files at home too but the same problem happened at my home computer. All the other drawings not prepared in our office have no such problem. Have anyone encountered the problem? . the IT person in our office says that it is come Cad command issue... Does anyone have any idea/solution?
Dear Zbizafar,
1- Are you using, in the drawings created in your office, some referenced block? If yes, the block are in your server or in the same machine?
2- Have you tried to explode a test drawing and purge any external reference to see if the error persists?
3- Try to save as an old version (2000 or 14) and see if the error persists;
4- Try to save as r12 DXF a example file, open in another machine and test the copy/past to see if the problem persists.
5- Is your Video Card hardware acceleration activated? If yes, try to turn down/off.
Let us know the results of this tests.
Dell Brett
Dear Dell,
The answers to your questions are:
1) yes we some time use reference block/x-ref and they are in our server. But we do not use them with all drawings and we are having problem with all drawings.
2) The answer to 2, 3, 4 and 5 are yes . we have tried it with no effect.
I am attaching a file. Please have a look and see if u can spot the problem.
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Try next time to use WinRAR or WinZIP before sending and send the compressed file.
I opened your drawing (this time in ACAD 2006) in less than one second and using copy paste (i hope i understand you) i made a copy of a whole region from another drawing and paste in your drawing. The same thing, i cannot check the time because it is a fraction of second.
execute this command
don't forget the minus
then use the reset option.
If the problem continues delete 3 blocks named "CPM". They are empty. Then use purge to delete unused items and definitions.
I had the same issue while working for a larger engineering company years ago. It was happening on every computer in the office, similar to your situation. The problem had nothing to do with CAD at all. It turns out that the awful management and IT people where running programs and scripts in the background of all the machines on the network. The programs conflicted with whatever resources autocad needed to function properly.
Try unplugging your computer from the network, restart your PC, then go through the task manager and start terminating programs that are not a part of windows or are unfamiliar to you. Next start autocad and see if you still have the problem. If so, fire your IT staff.
I do agree that some times the IT do have programs and scripts running in the background of all the machines on the network but in this case they denied that anything is wrong at there end.
Any way ivanveliki provided the solution to this problem and the command worked for us. Thank you all for your input.
There is any option to find the volumes in autocad 2008 or 2009.
please help me. i am using Autocad 2009 how to find volumes
how to find the quantities in autocad 2009. there is any option for this
thanks in advance
If you entities are solids, you can use the command "MASSPROP".
how to import data from autocad to excel to prepare the quantities ?
please anybody help me
thanks in advance