Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Conference News section. Can it be renamed?
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Dear Admin and Moderators,

I have suggestion that section Conference News could be renamed into "Conference, Seminar and Education News" or something like that? From time to time I would like to post somewhere (in one place in the forum) some notifications, for example, about scholarships/ grants, summer schools, workshops, seminars for civile engineer students as well as for professionals in civil engineering. I'm getting a lot of informations/ notifications of that kind to my e-mail, so I would like to share them with others (if that's OK with you)?

Best regard, and thank you for your understanding.
we hear your idea about this suggestion ...
please post your idea ....

Dear admin,

Idea is just to rename forum "Conference News" into "Conference, Seminar and Education News" so that there is no confusion where to post information's about scholarships/ grants, summer schools, workshops, seminars etc. Once I've posted a grant application into Free discussion forum because I didn't know where to post that kind of thread. I think that is good to have specifically part of the forum where we can post information's described above. Here is a lot of young engineers and students eager getting new knowledge and/ or good scholarship/ grant... That's only my opinion...

Best regards.

good suggestion!
Dear kamran,

Could you please remove transparent link from your signature?
Because your PM quota was full, so no one can deliver you any PM.

(02-23-2010, 08:19 PM)kamran Wrote: [ -> ]good suggestion!
