01-24-2010, 03:54 AM
Guide for Uniform Truck Size and Weight
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The Western Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (WASHTO) has recognized this problem and has set forth a process to bring vehicle uniformity to the West and to attack unnecessary regulatory roadblocks that stand in the way of increased productivity. In 1987 WASHTO Chief Administrative Officers adopted a resolution committing development of uniformity in truck size and weight as the top priority of its’ Subcommittee on Highway Transport, (which became the Committee on Highway Transport in 1995).
This resolution set in motion a rather unique effort to attack the problem. Every state and federal department belonging to WASHTO assigned representatives to the Subcommittee. This insured that not only every state had equal and ample opportunity of involvement, but it produced a group of wide spread experts ranging from top level to first line state representatives who work daily with the laws and regulations governing large vehicles. Early commitment was made by the Subcommittee to heavily involve the private sector in the process. As a result, the Western Trucking Association Executive Council, the Western Highway Institute and the Specialized Carriers and Riggers Association joined the efforts.
![[Image: Download.png]](https://forum.civilea.com/postgen/Download.png)
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