To Admin
I have found that a warning level of 10% has been place against my name. I would like to know since when and for what reason.
Transparent link in:
Content of this section is hidden, You must be registered and activate your account to see this content. See this link to read how you can remove this limitation:
Your link had been edited by Admin.
I supose you can press the 10% after Warning level and see the reason but in case it is not right i checked for and the reason is Transparent Link in post %cracked%sofware. One of the moderators (in this case someone else) gave you this warn. You can ask the Admin or every one but please use the private message and send to Admin every complain you want but don't use free discussion for this. We try to use this thread for subjects intersting many users and personal problems it's better to resolve in private messages.
I was warned for posting transparent link. But this user was not punished when he did the same. So I got very frustrated not because of the reason that he was not warned, but because I was warned. And that incident was in my mind when I wrote those posts on the Evaluation thread. Basically it was just a reflection of my frustration. Keep up the good work guys. Special thanks to the unbiased admin.
Dear Prince of Heartz,
You needs to know that the decision to starts to warn transparent links is recent (some months ago). So, you could find a lot of non protected links in past posts. Why we decided to start it? Cause we need that members use CODE PROTECT in order to protect our forum! We need to protect our IP address from deposit sites and some search engines! Certainly, with your experience, you can share to us some opinion and knowledge about how to protect our forum from search engines.
You have only a few days (2 weeks) as a member of this forum, and I really believe that you´ll understand a lot of things if study this forum´s historical, some problems in the past (including recent past!) and how it works!.
My humble suggestion for you! Concentrate your talent and effort to be proactive here! You found a great forum! There´s a lot of interesting things here! Probably the most complete and best civil engineering forum to find programs and books. Of course, we are growing a lot (quickly) and the problems exists! Big deal! Look our positive aspect and go ahead!
I really believe that this colud be the end of this issue!
Joint us with your knowledge, and work with us to keep this one as a good forum! Be proactive, not reactive!
My kindly regards
Dell Brett!
Quote:Cause we need that members use CODE PROTECT in order to protect our forum! We need to protect our IP address from deposit sites and some search engines!
It's a good idea. Many websites use this technique. But I think you guys need not do it because of one reason. Anyways I'm not sure about it. Until it is confirmed, it is better to use code tags.
I'm sorry but I wont be able to sleep today if I don't say this. It is understandable if his post was one of the previous ones. But he posted it the next day. I'm not bringing up that issue again but I just want to let you know that I'm not trying to make noise. Now leave it.
I think I can certainly help you with the privacy issue. There are ways to prevent indexing. Should I PM it?
Now a few suggestions. I don't think that there's a need to start a separate thread for this. The admin will definitely read this thread seeing its title.
- I couldn't find an edit button. I think it is a very important feature. Is there any particular reason for not using vbulletin?
Content of this section is hidden, You must be registered and activate your account to see this content. See this link to read how you can remove this limitation:
I wrote through this section of the forum because, first, I do not know in which other mode to send this mail that my mail will not be considered a spam (for which I will get a sanction) and second, it is the section in which we are allowed and which we could discuss anything that we want to discuss.
For one thing, I think there are too many rules and regulations in this forum that one will not know which to follow and run fowl of the system.
In as much as it is good to keep things in order, we should know that too many rules and sanctions do not go well with any civilized society. That was why God made Moses to fall while coming back to the Israelites, so that he could break the original commandment (that was supposed to be so many) which eventually ended up after the picking and assembly to only 10. This is the only forum where I have seen that one could be penalized for asking a question. If one does not write and remain dormant, then the person will be pencilled up as dormant; and when you make a write-up you may be penalized for one reason or the other. The link that I wrote is the right one (as edited). The reason that it is a transparent link or white link (for which I was penalized) is a strange one to me. I do not know the difference between transparent link, white, black, green or whatever other form of links. We are on the net and everybody knows that. We do not have any reason to pretend that we are not. It is like a goose hiding its head in sand while all of its body is in the open.
We should start to get our priorities right.
Quote:We are on the net and everybody knows that.
And we have freedom to get in or not get in any website. For me, if I feel that website is not good for me, I did not access to that website. If you think this forum has so many rules (less than 10 items) and you cannot accept such rules, you are free to not access this forum.
On behalf of moderator, I have to do my duty assigned by Admin by keeping the rules applicable until Admin fire me.
Dear Mr. Teddy On..... Chigozie. I think is time to tell you enough.
I remember your three posts used to teach me manners and I see complain about something is still your main reason to be a member of this forum.
I know you obtained a degree in civil engineering in 1987 at the University of N..a, Ns..ka, and the master's degree in finance and management control in 2007 at the University of P.. and maybe more. Your English is the better in this forum and the discussions you start are at a very high academic level even if most of the time you debate with yourself.
This is the example:
Quote:It is about 3 weeks today that I wrote the last contribution to the topic (referred to) and till this moment, there has not been any further contribution to the said issue.
I believe we are all awake !!
Please gents, Lets keep it moving. We cannot afford to remain in the same position for eternity. Lets get it on, lets keep it on, lets get moving
Unfortunately no one responded you and you comeback to disturb our work.
By the way this high academic level isn’t enough to find by your self how to press the Thanks button [1], how to search in forum [2] and not how to write and review the post before posting [3].
Quote:That's a great idea.
Could you or any other person please start to up-load?
NB:- please tell how I could use the thanks option as to give thanks for this and other threads that i considered as meriting thanks
Quote:Dell writes:
.....most of them you can find in this forum.
Please tell me where to locate them in the forum.
Quote:I am perplexed to find out that the equations that I wrote for the column design appeared only in parts. The main parts are missing for the reasons that I cannot explain (may be due to the browser that I am using).
I would like to know if I am permitted to re-post.
Look at your post about the Haitian Tragedy. You post the news we all saw at TV, and the real contribution is of other users posting photos and videos.
In your 43 posts until now i found 12 Problems, 13 Free Discussion, 7 Sugestion (Total=32) and i didn't see any software, no book, no link for someone asking for, not too much help to other user but a lot of words, advices and many complains. You don't agree with the rules, you don't agree with the moderators, you don't agree with Admin, you don't contribute but allways you have something to complain.
You wrote:
Quote:This is the only forum where I have seen that one could be penalized for asking a question. If one does not write and remain dormant, then the person will be pencilled up as dormant; and when you make a write-up you may be penalized for one reason or the other.
No one was penalized for an inteligent question or for asking help to resolve an engineering problem (in the right section). Inactive users never was warned and they can download and remain members. Active users are welcome and you can see other giving thanks and reputation to users making something for others. Users entering the forum and running to put a stamp in every place before understanding where they are will be warned, the spammers will be warned and if you don't agree with our rules please read the advice kowheng gave you in his post and remeber what i told to our PrinceOfHeartz - this is not a social net.
No one made you the censor of the forum so from this moment for every word you will write not connected with a technical subject I will warn you for spam.
Benny P wrote:-
Dear Mr. Teddy On..... Chigozie. I think is time to tell you enough.
I remember your three posts used to teach me manners and I see complain about something is still your main reason to be a member of this forum.
I know you obtained a degree in civil engineering in 1987 at the University of N..a, Ns..ka, and the master's degree in finance and management control in 2007 at the University of P.. and maybe more. Your English is the better in this forum and the discussions you start are at a very high academic level even if most of the time you debate with yourself.
This is the example: ........
I read with dismay the wroth that you could write about me. You were so pushed by hate (which is a boil over of the misunderstanding that we had some time past) that you could go to the extent of publishing my personal data. You did not publish them all. Go ahead and say whether I am tall or short and the rest of them. This shows that you are not the type of person that should be running the affairs of this association, since instead of dealing with issues raised, will rather stoop so low as to discuss me as a person. You have to know that as long as this forum remains within the public domain, people like me will always raise issue that they feel needed to be discussed no matter whose toes that are trampled on. If you do not like it like that, then it is time for you to take the forum out of the web and run it from you kitchen and I bet you, you will not find me there and I will not miss it.