Here's a tip to protect your system from virus attacks (mainly from the internet) even if you don't have a an AV software installed. Most of the users create only one user account in Windows. So, that one account will act as the administrator. The viruses reaching the system via that user account will have full access to every part of the operating system including registry. So they are allowed to function normally.
Now what you have to do is, create another user account having no adminstrative previlages and then onwards use that account for surfing the net. Even if some viruses reach the system, they won't get access to the key areas because the user has no administrative rights. So your operating system will be protected from viruses coming from the internet.
Note: This is not an excuse for not installing an AV software. It is always recommended to install an AV software. This tip should only be considered as a preventive measure. But it is true that sometimes it can protect your OS from viruses even if you don't have an AV software installed.
alternatively you can create your own clean OS image by using ghost, every time you have virus problem, restore the old clean OS image
@ Dirk,
Is it necessary to have 2 OS to use GHOST successfully ? Because as i know, You can not transfer image to a drive(partition) from which u r running ghost.
with recovery disk you can bypass the existing bugged OS and transfer the clean image
(01-16-2010, 11:35 PM)dirk Wrote: [ -> ]alternatively you can create your own clean OS image by using ghost, every time you have virus problem, restore the old clean OS image
That is something that you do after your system is infected. It doesn't protect your system in any way. And it is a time consuming task. I'm talking about
protecting(not repairing) a system without using an AV software. I'm currently conducting a study on this topic. Whatever trick I learn will be posted here. If you have any ideas, please post it here.
I think most of you guys know hoe to create a new user account in Windows.
Anyways I will give you the steps. Go to control panel->user accounts->create new account->then select standard user(not administrator)->give the account a name->create account. The steps may vary slightly depending on the OS.
- the most important part is the firewall, the first thing to do is to use intelligent firewall settings,
- then you can also use a sandbox in which runs firefox
- disable java/java scripts to avoid spywares
- do not use illegal softwares (i mean cracks or keygens...) until your not sure they are clean, or use a virtual machine to give them a try...
thanks for the suggestions.:yes: But I'm looking for solutions other than using some sort of software like sandboxie or Virtualbox. Disabling Java scripts is a good idea. I'm looking for a solution within the OS and the other software that we regularly use. :wacko2:
I already know some old tricks. Like using NTFS file system, disabling certain services etcetc. As of now, Least User Access or LUA is the best one I have found.
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You will see a bunch of very useful programs there. Download and use them. RootkitRevealer is an extremely useful program which can be downloaded from that page. I strongly recommend it. Most of the software available in that page are extremely useful.
Hope this helps.

sysinternal tools require a good knowledge of the OS, and cannot be used by everyone...
furthermore, those tools will help you to discover and remove malwares, but it won't avoid infection.
an other solution is to use an hardware rooter/firewall...
(01-18-2010, 06:49 PM)killoobilloo Wrote: [ -> ]sysinternal tools require a good knowledge of the OS, and cannot be used by everyone...
furthermore, those tools will help you to discover and remove malwares, but it won't avoid infection.
an other solution is to use an hardware rooter/firewall...
This thread is not for newbies. Newbies should be using AV software.
I posted the details of sysinternal tools under the subheading 'General Information'. I didn't say that you can prevent virus attacks by using them.
Btw, it's router. Not rooter.