01-15-2010, 08:30 PM
Many of the software contact their servers without our knowledge. We think that the software is updating. Many of the software developers say that no personal information is exchanged with the server. But are you sure? :ihih: I'm not.
A firewall can not only prevent unauthorised access from the internet, but can also prevent unauthorised access to the internet. It is always good to check what all programs are trying to access the internet by using your firewall (either an independent one or the one in your security suite). If you find something suspicious, block it. :yes:
When you think about software, you should think about your operating system also. You can turn off the update feature easily. But you need the crucial updates don't you?
I think softwarepatch.com is a good website from which you can download updates and patches.
I hope that you realise the importance of this thread. Especially since many of the users are using p*rtd software.
oops. Sorry! I forgot to put the link within code tags. Sorry mods. I couldn't find an edit button. So I couldn't edit it. Sorry.
A firewall can not only prevent unauthorised access from the internet, but can also prevent unauthorised access to the internet. It is always good to check what all programs are trying to access the internet by using your firewall (either an independent one or the one in your security suite). If you find something suspicious, block it. :yes:
When you think about software, you should think about your operating system also. You can turn off the update feature easily. But you need the crucial updates don't you?
I think softwarepatch.com is a good website from which you can download updates and patches.
I hope that you realise the importance of this thread. Especially since many of the users are using p*rtd software.
oops. Sorry! I forgot to put the link within code tags. Sorry mods. I couldn't find an edit button. So I couldn't edit it. Sorry.
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