Hello Friends,
I am new to Revit Structure. I am trying to learn it. I am just curious that is this software basically for drafting or is it good for structural engineers to learn it? Pleas all the structural engineers out there who work on this software, please share your experience.
Also if you have some example files ( Revit Files, not some tutorial or videos) please share it.
Also want to know the difference between Revit Structure and Autodesk Structural Detailing.
You will find videos and tutorials in software training manuals and software videos section. Search over there. Example files are included in the software.
The difference is that in revit you create the basic model of the structure but through structure detailing you prepare fabrication drawings for example detailed reinforcement details etc
Revit also possesses direct link with robot, by what the model can be created in revit, analyze it in robot and update the results of the analysis.
Also, work't whit Etabs, using program link post here...
Veggeta ment direct link with Robot. I use Revit structure basically for making calculation model for Robot. It's much easier to make model in BIM program than to make difficult geometry in program which purpose is analysis. Beside, Revit project can carry all types of materials in itself and "structural detailing" have separate modules for wood, concrete and steel.
It's not easy to give an answer because these two programs are very different. Revit is from BIM family and Autodesk structural detailing is for detailing and drawing generation basically.
As rohailiyaz said, example files are included in software.
I use revit structure every day, it is probably one of the best tools for structural engineers to learn. The capabilities now and in the future are limitless.
Thanks friends for your replies, I have tons of material for training Revit Structures 2010. I mean i have books, vidoe tutorials etc. I installed this software but there is no example file thats why i was rewuesting you guys for some example file, which you guys have worked on. I basically work on StaadPro, but recentally i have started using Etabs. Those who are working on Etabs, I would like them to expalin about the integration of Etabs and Revit Structures, that how good this is? Is it just tranfering the model from one software to the other or we also have to do some modifications after the transfer?
once again thank you for your time.
asim99 you are right, there are no example files in revit structure 2010. But it was in previous versions. I don't know about Etabs, but when I transfer model from revit to robot, I only assign supports and loads to the model. It can be done in revit too, but in robot it's not always shown corectly. It's important to check panels and bars local coordinate system after model transfering ( I'd also check material) . I could attach some examples, but don't know how exactly.