Since there is no section to request analysis file, I think it is appropriate to post my request on this section.
On page 1-3 of technical paper entitled "Detailed Example of a Tall Shear Wall Building Using CSI's Perform-3D" , it is written that shear wall examples are not installed automatically particularly the files in the folders of ExampleCS12A, ExampleCS12B, ExampleCS12C, and the earthquake records in the folder WallExample .
Anyone who has these files please upload, because one way to understand and follow the technical paper is to open these files in Perform-3D environment.
Dear Benny,
Both the paper and the referenced files are part of the following CSI Perform 3D Publication:
![[Image: 94223172820330260256.jpg]](
which is offered in their website:
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We bought that DVD from CSI, but unfortunately I am about to go to Houston for some holiday and will be back until "next year" (by mid of the first week of january actually). If you can not get those files from other source, please send me a PM by the end of the year and when I´m back to work I will happily help you.
Note to ADMIN/VIPS: I think this publication coulld be on the VIP section, so please let me know if you agree with this. I don´t know how to "break" a Cd or DVD, but if anyone of you PM by the beginning of 2010 I can send you the files each one at a time so you can share with others in that area. Just let me know what you think.
![[Image: info.png]](
I thought the requested files were as small as an EDB (for Etabs) or SDB (for Sap2000) file, but they are actually taking most of the 4 and something Gb of the DVD. I don´t know how to handle that huge files, but as I promised them, I´ll stand by it. It will just take a bit more time than expected. Dear Babak, please PM-me with more detailed instructions on how to split a file once I´m in winrar, cause I can not find any icon/instruction to do that when open the rar window (as possible, send me a step by step procedure). I really have no clue on how to do this, so be patient. Also, most probably the first transfer will be to a VIP+ member, which does not mean the publication will not be made available for everyone. That will depend only and exclusively on the decission made by the Admin.
Chatting is not allowed in the forum, so please don´t reply to this post. I am only notifying the forum that I´m still working on it. If have any ideas/suggestions, please send them through PM.
Also don´t ask again for the files as one of the users did... I gues it is against the rules of the forum, but specially is annoying for the poster.
![[Image: 93946877063667867055.jpg]](