12-20-2009, 10:11 AM
By : J C Nicholls
Pulished by : Transport Research Laboratory
Edition : 4th
Description :
In this guide book Methods and recommendations are presented to provide guidance on the choice and design of an appropriate surface dressing. Managers and Supervisors of surface dressing programmes can obtain comprehensive guidance on the preparation, application and aftercare of the works by consulting the code of practice for surface dressing published by the Road Surface Dressing Association (RSDA, 1995a).
Road Note 39 is a design guide, it is NOT prepared as, nor should it be used as, a specification. The results of the design process can be used to prepare specifications, but the advice in this Design Guide has not been drafted in a form that can be used directly as a specification. However, it is expected that the advice contained will be Indispensable to those drawing up specifications.
The methodology for this Design Guide (Chapter 3) has been developed from experience with the traffic intensities, construction practices and weather conditions found in the UK. Therefore, the design method may not be appropriate for use in other situations, particularly if they are markedly different from those found in the UK.
![[Image: 01058305659233436006.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/01058305659233436006.jpg)
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By : J C Nicholls
Pulished by : Transport Research Laboratory
Edition : 4th
Description :
In this guide book Methods and recommendations are presented to provide guidance on the choice and design of an appropriate surface dressing. Managers and Supervisors of surface dressing programmes can obtain comprehensive guidance on the preparation, application and aftercare of the works by consulting the code of practice for surface dressing published by the Road Surface Dressing Association (RSDA, 1995a).
Road Note 39 is a design guide, it is NOT prepared as, nor should it be used as, a specification. The results of the design process can be used to prepare specifications, but the advice in this Design Guide has not been drafted in a form that can be used directly as a specification. However, it is expected that the advice contained will be Indispensable to those drawing up specifications.
The methodology for this Design Guide (Chapter 3) has been developed from experience with the traffic intensities, construction practices and weather conditions found in the UK. Therefore, the design method may not be appropriate for use in other situations, particularly if they are markedly different from those found in the UK.
![[Image: 01058305659233436006.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/01058305659233436006.jpg)
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