Hi all, i am trying to install ansys 12 in my computer, its the first time i am installing it, the medicine, have a text file that i cant read cause its in a strange language.
For now i dont know how to use the medicine, i downloaded the files of timosi in mediafire, could anyone help me with the steps?
Dear anrk_sk8er
I just installed it sucessfully
here is my cr4ck and short guide
- first open ap120_calc.exe de to create file license.txt
-second install (may be it take a long time :D)
-third install License Manager, and browse to file license.txt you have just created
When you UNRAR, you will see the folder containing the crack. The folder name is "MAGNiTUDE". When you open this folder you will see an exe. file named "ap121_calc.exe". Run this exe file, when you run it, it will generate a text file called "license" in the same folder. This is the same license file that you will use during the installation process. You will be prompted during license installation, browse and point to the same folder where the "license" text is stored.
Installation process is as follows
Click "install Required Preliquisites"
don't worry if you receive an error, it may be that you already have those preliquisites on your computer.
Next click "Instal Ansys,.Inc Products" during this process at some stage you will be required to enter computer "HOST ID". This is your computer name, your can get your computer name by right clicking "my computer" and under "properties" you will find computer name. Just copy and past it in the host Id space provided. Installation takes quite some time.
Final step is to click on "Instal Ansys, Inc.License manager" .. This is the step where it will be prompted to browse and point to the "license" text that was generated earlier on.
License manager will then finish installing and that is it!
(12-07-2009, 06:55 PM)anrk_sk8er Wrote: [ -> ]Hi all, i am trying to install ansys 12 in my computer, its the first time i am installing it, the medicine, have a text file that i cant read cause its in a strange language.
For now i dont know how to use the medicine, i downloaded the files of timosi in mediafire, could anyone help me with the steps?
If you have install before version 12 ( e.g 10;11) you should read it one more time or ask anyone you know who had setup it to guide you! Because with a new user, you can't have skilful to do it! Other wish you must read carefully file help to crack this soft, don't skim it!!
I hope you successfull!
Sorry guys!
app120_calc.exe doesn't work. It does not anything and no license is generated.
Any idea?
I run it on a win xp sp3 in two different computers
Thanks!!! :JC_cheers:
You must firstly put it in the haed disk (says c:\) then run it, a text licence file will be generated.
Tell me more about 3-D modelling of box girder bridges in ansys10 and fundamental mode shapes of cantilever box girder bridges. Also tell me about vehicular load generation in ansys 10.
Hello , can someone put just the medicine of magnitude Ansys 12 in winrar . thank you very much.