11-21-2009, 11:55 AM
Progressive Collapse Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Buildings
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The progressive collapse of the World Trade Center towers has generated a worldwide concern of the
risks of progressive collapse in multi‐story buildings. The prevention of progressive collapse lies primary
in the proper and effective analysis of the structures having high potential to progressivity. Linear elastic
static analysis method is presented in this report. To minimize the progressive collapse risks, the
structural system of the building should be able to tolerate the removal of one or more structural
members and redistribute their load on the surrounding members, so that disproportionate collapse
would not take place.
This study investigates the performance level of a fifteen‐story reinforced concrete building. A Linear
Elastic Static Analysis Procedure based on the GSA (General Service Administration) guidelines is used as
a preliminary study to determine the potential for progressive collapse of this building. The building
consists of several moment resisting frames and gravity frames.
A column at the ground floor is removed to simulate an effect of any extreme event and the remaining
structure is analyzed using the ETABS 3D structural simulation software. The structure is analyzed as per
the GSA guidelines for gravity loads only. Then the structure is checked for the Demand‐Capacity Ratios
(DCR) as per GSA provisions. It is found that the building is safe when a column from an IMF is removed.
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