Hi everybody,
I want to create a multidrawing table layout and i can't find a way to insert at drawing title the name of the assemblies which are contained by the multi-drawing. Does anyone know any solution? Is there any formula or attribute that can do this job?
Thank you!
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Hmm. Sorry for my bad english.
So I can´t understand everything.
What are you mean with "Name" of assembly?
Name like "Beam" or name of the profile like "HEA..." ?
All tables you can change with the "template editor"
and edit the variables of your wishes.
(11-19-2009, 05:24 PM)wolfib Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm. Sorry for my bad english.
So I can´t understand everything.
What are you mean with "Name" of assembly?
Name like "Beam" or name of the profile like "HEA..." ?
All tables you can change with the "template editor"
and edit the variables of your wishes.
Every Assembly has a prefix, and when you create an assembly drawing it will get a name given by the Assembly Prefix of the main part. When you Create the assembly multidrawing, it will contain a number of previously created assemblies inside, and i want that on my layout table to be the list of contained drawings
I think you didn't understood me... I want to be able to insert the name of the assemblies which are contained by the multidrawing into the Layout Table. I attached a picture that will explain better what i want to do. Thanks in advance!
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Can any body know about grid lines in tekla structures 13.1 ?
means I wants to know how to create circular grid lines in tekla strcutures 13.1 ?
I want to also make multidrawing material list and bolt list but I dont have multi drawing material list and bolt list template. Does anyone have a samplethis template I will be[/i] so glad to have it thx in advance
(12-08-2009, 08:02 AM)amol_sadul Wrote: [ -> ]Can any body know about grid lines in tekla structures 13.1 ?
means I wants to know how to create circular grid lines in tekla strcutures 13.1 ?
![[Image: info.png]](https://forum.civilea.com/postgen/info.png)
you can try the attached to create radial grids, not sure if it is what you are looking for.
another alternative is to import a dwg file as a reference model.
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(12-08-2009, 08:02 AM)amol_sadul Wrote: [ -> ]Can any body know about grid lines in tekla structures 13.1 ?
means I wants to know how to create circular grid lines in tekla strcutures 13.1 ?
Use RadialGrid_v1 as posted above.
for flexibility but more work as described below:
Change work plane using two points. Create single line grid line. Carry-on for all grids. Use construction circles to join in Model & use arc in GA dwgs.