Design of Steel Structures (Full Lectures)
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Prof. A. R. Shantha Kumar
Prof. S. R. Satish Kumar
Introduction (2 lectures)
Properties of Structural Steel, I. S. Rolled Sections, I. S. Specifications
II. Design Approach (2 lectures)
Factor of Safety, Permissible and Working Stresses, Elastic Method, Plastic
Method, Introduction to Limit States of Design
III. Connections (5 lectures)
Type of Connections, Riveted, Bolted and Welded Connections, Strength, Efficiency
and Design of Joints, Modes of Failure of a Riveted Joint, Advantages and
Disadvantages of Welded Joints, Design of Fillet and Butt Welds, Design of
Eccentric Connections
IV. Tension Members (8 lectures)
Net Sectional Area, Permissible Stress, Design of Axially Loaded Tension Member,
Design of Member Subjected to Axial Tension and Bending
V. Compression Members (9 lectures)
Modes of Failure of a Column, Buckling Failure: Euler’s Theory, Effective Length,
Slenderness Ratio, Design Formula: I.S. Code Formula, Design of Compression
Members, Design of Built-Up Compression Members: Laced and Battened Columns
VI. Beams (8 lectures)
Design Procedure, Built-Up Sections, Plate Thickness, Web Crippling, Web
Buckling, Connections and Curtailment of Flange Plates
VII. Beam Column (3 lectures)
Eccentricity of Load, Interaction Formulae, Design Procedure, Eccentrically Loa
Base Plates
VIII. Column Base (3 lectures)
Slab Base, Gusseted Base, Grillage Foundation
1) Simple, Semi-rigid and Rigid Connections.
2) Connection Configurations
3) Angle Cleat Connections
4) End-plate Connections
5) Semi-rigid Connections
6) Moment-rotation Characteristics
1) Structural Configurations
2) Functional and Serviceability Requirements
3) Industrial Floors
4) Roof Systems
5) Plastic Analysis and Design of Portal Frames
6) Crane Gantry Girders
7) Design for Wind Actions
8) Design for Earthquake Actions
1) Structural Configurations
2) Steel-Concrete Comosite Floor Systems
3) Loading
4) Analysis for Gravity Loads
5) Lateral Load Resisting Systems
6) Analysis for Lateral Loads
7) Dual Systems
8) Advanced Structural Forms
1) Classification and Types of bridges
2) Load and Load Combination for highway Bridges
3) Load and Load Combination for Railway Bridges
4) Wind and Earthquake Effects
5) Design of a Typical Truss Bridge
6) Bearings and Supporting Elements
1) Introduction- Types of Tanks
2) Load and Load Combination
3) Design Aspects of Cylindrical Tanks
4) Design Aspects of Rectangular Tanks
5) Wind and Earthquake effects
6) Staging Design
1) Classification of Types of Towers
2) Loads and Load Combinations
3) Wind Effects on Towers
4) Methods of Analysis
5) Design Approaches
6) Economy and Optimisation
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