2 - Floor Concrete Building
This is a set of drawing of 2 - floor concrete building
in spanish made by my company.
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CYpecad output
yes, no??
what kind of slabs?
do you have the sap2000 or etabs file of your nice example, any calc memory?
(11-14-2009, 03:41 PM)coxxxyboy Wrote: [ -> ]do you have the sap2000 or etabs file of your nice example, any calc memory?
Sorry my friend but I don't have it.
Can you please upload it again? link is dead.
thanks in advance :D
(11-18-2009, 02:49 AM)rigoleonv Wrote: [ -> ]Can you please upload it again? link is dead.
thanks in advance :D
The above link is still working, you just wait for 10 second to download it,
But if you want another link, I uploaded it in another site, here's the mirror link:
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