dear members
i need to access urgently,
The NISEE Software Library CDROM,
could you anybody help me this problem?
or drectly send me username and password my pm?
i wanna access below link
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You can download softs even without the username ans pass
Here are direct links to few of them
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Still asking for Username and Password!
Dear Grunf
Can you give a try for RCCOLA software and manual?
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(01-27-2010, 04:51 PM)ziggywas1 Wrote: [ -> ]Can you give a try for RCCOLA software and manual?
Here is link to the requested file(s):
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Best regards. Hope it helps.
Dear Grunf,
If you get a chance could you get a paper titled "Inelastic buckling of steel struts under cyclic load reversals" located
Would help a lot. Thanks,
I've checked my pass and user name for the PEER database and they has expired. So unfortunately I'm not able to help you.
With Regards
Dear whatahw
please find the requested stuff below. hope its helpful for u.
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Hello everyone,
I need following report:
Title: Seismic Energy Based Fatigue Damage Analysis of Bridge Columns: Part 1 - Evaluation of Seismic Capacity
Authors: G.A.Chang, J.B.Mander
Does anybody has access to this?
thanks in advance.