11-06-2009, 03:00 PM
Composite Slim Floor design
Slim Floors with Built-in Beams. ECCS Publication 83.
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The European Convention for Constructional Steelwork - ECCS - brings together the trade association of the various national constructional steelwork industries. It represents, therefore, several thousands firms throughout Europe. Eurofer is the association of the european steel producers and, in particular, the
producers of hot rolled sections and plates, actively engaged in promoting the use of steel for buildings and civil engineering.
For several years ECCS and Eurofer have been working together to develop the use of steel frame construction throughout Europe, notably by publishing documents for designers.
This publication - one of the results of this partnership - is part two on integrated structural design for multi-storey buildings in steel. It should be read in addition to ECCS Publication 74 « Multi-storey buildings in steel: the Swedish method ».
producers of hot rolled sections and plates, actively engaged in promoting the use of steel for buildings and civil engineering.
For several years ECCS and Eurofer have been working together to develop the use of steel frame construction throughout Europe, notably by publishing documents for designers.
This publication - one of the results of this partnership - is part two on integrated structural design for multi-storey buildings in steel. It should be read in addition to ECCS Publication 74 « Multi-storey buildings in steel: the Swedish method ».
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