Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Shutdown in CIVILEA
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Dear CivilEA users,
Our server went down since 27-FEB-2019. unfortunately one of our old developer found access to our server. They start to phishing. we shutdown the server immediately to prevent more action and we start to finding any vulnerabilities.
New developer was employed , All files (about 14,000,000 files) has been scan and clean. Necessary security patches were applied.
Google has already flagged the website as deceptive.
NOW, all content of website are clean, we fasten security on server, NOBODY can do same action.
we are sorry for this issue and we will continue stronger.

You may see some errors we are trying to solve all problem soon, please report us any errors.
Dear Admin
i want to say thank you for resolving the issue on the site , i want to add that it was impossible even to send a message to your email to know what is happening.
Anyway it passes and wish that something of this kind will not have place anymore.