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Basic Hydraulics - 1st Edition

Author(s)/Editor(s): P D Smith | Size: 2 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Scanner | Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann | Year: 1982 | pages: 168 | ISBN: 0-408-01112-2

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BASIC Hydraulics aims to help students both to become proficient in the BASIC programming language by actually using the language in an important field of engineering and to use computing as a means of mastering the subject of hydraulics. The book begins with a summary of the technique of computing in BASIC together with comments and listing of the main commands and statements. Subsequent chapters introduce the fundamental concepts and appropriate governing equations. Topics covered include principles of fluid mechanics; flow in pipes, pipe networks and open channels; hydraulic machinery; and seepage and groundwater flow. Each chapter provides a series of worked examples consisting primarily of an introduction in which the general topic or specific problem to be considered is presented. A program capable of solving the problem is then given, together with examples of the output, sometimes for several different sets of conditions. Finally, in a section headed Program Notes the way the program is constructed and operates is explained, and the engineering lessons to be learned from the program output are indicated. Each chapter also concludes with a set of problems for the student to attempt. This book is mainly intended for the first- and second-year undergraduate student of civil engineering who will be concerned with the application of fundamental fluid mechanics theory to civil engineering problems.

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