Civil Engineering Association

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Advanced Polymer Composites for Structural Applications in Construction

Author(s)/Editor(s): R A Shenoi and S S J Moy, University of Southampton and L C Holloway, University of Surrey | Size: 112 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: Thomas Telford Ltd | Year: 2002 | pages: 544 | ISBN: 9780727731227

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The use of fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) based composite materials is set to increase to meet demands for improvements in construction processes. The science and technology associated with this subject are advancing at a rapid rate.

This volume of papers from the ACIC 2002 conference covers the application of FRP in concrete structures, metallic structures, concrete cylinders and columns and walls and pipes. It is the direct result of a collaboration between engineers and researchers who convened specifically to exchange ideas and promote the safe and cost-effective use of FRP for structural applications in construction.

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Advanced Polymer Composites for Structural Applications in Construction: ACIC 2004

Author(s)/Editor(s): L. C. Hollaway | Size: 37 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Limited | Year: 2004 | pages: 785 | ISBN: 1855737361

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Over the past three decades advanced polymer composites have emerged as an attractive construction material for new structures and the strengthening/rehabilitation of existing buildings and bridges. The techniques associated with the technology, analysis and design of polymer composites in construction are continually being researched and the progress made with this exciting material will continue at an ever- increasing rate to meet the demands of the construction industry. This volume of proceedings is from the Second ACIC 2004 International Conference, which focused on the application and further exploitation of advanced composites in construction. The conference allowed practicing engineers, asset managers, researchers and representative of regulatory bodies to promote the active exchange of scientific and technical information on the rapidly changing scene of advanced composites in construction. This volume focuses on the presentation of new concepts, techniques and case studies, which will lead to greater exploitation of advanced polymer composites and FRP materials for civil engineering infrastructure, rehabilitation and renewal.

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