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Science and Engineering of Materials

Author(s)/Editor(s): Mohd Rafie Johan, Noorsaiyyidah Darman Singho | Size: 30.5 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: TRANSTECH PUBLICATION | Year: 2014 | pages: 339 | ISBN: 3038350923

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The 1st International Conference on Science and Engineering of Materials 2013 (ICoSEM2013) was held 13 - 14 November 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was organised by Centre of Advanced Materials, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Malaya where the main objective of ICoSEM 2013 is to provide a platform for scientists, engineers and user worldwide who are working in different aspects of materials to share their knowledge and innovative thinking. During the conference, capital city of Malaysia was overwhelmed by the presence of more than 200 scientist, engineers, students and vendors from various countries. 4 plenary lectures, 15 talks and 150 oral contributions were delivered in 30 different sessions. The sessions were impressive and have demonstrated a high level of scientific knowledge and originality. In many cases, research ideas and activities have been accomplished or proposed. The same degree of achievement was also accomplished in many of the 50 posters that were displayed during 3 poster sessions. A special thanks goes to all speakers and presenters as well as the session chairpersons, who has chaired the sessions to be right on track, keeping them in time while permitting enriching discussions. In all, the different topics have been well presented and it is fair to be remarked that most all of the session have full participation. Regardless of the topic, the discussion have shown that the field of Materials Science and Engineering is very much active and the community of scientist, engineers and users are continuously pushing their limits and boundary to invent new materials, to improve the existing technique and equipments and thus to further enhance our understanding of these complex materials.

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