10-24-2009, 05:54 PM
Steel Details, BCSA 2005
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![[Image: opqnxxnd4kr3kygdmmhd.gif]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/opqnxxnd4kr3kygdmmhd.gif)
Edition: Illustrated
Publisher: BCSA, 2005
ISBN: 085073049X
Length: 186 pages
Pdf: 16.4 Mb
This book provides practical advice on the issues that affect the efficient detailing of steelwork connections. There is always pressure in the design office to produce details which convert the client's aspirations in to nuts and bolts. The chapters on connection detailing, cost, simple design and basic fabrication give advice on how to create practical structures. Other chapters provide the reader with an insight into connection behaviour and the on-going developments in the "green books". The reader is brought up-to-date on developments in specialist areas of steelwork design and details. These include articles on bridgework, hollow section joints, tension connections, towers and masts and the recent developments with structural fasteners. The publication also contains a rich array of architectural details from actual structures and allows both engineers and architects to interrogate them.
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