Hi, does anyone have Russian Gost code for pre-stressed concrete structures - SP 52-102-2004:Pre-stressed concrete structures.
Original is in russian language.
СП 52-102-2004: Предварительно напряженные железобетонные конструкции.
Page Count: 65
SKU: PROC100758
But also is english version of this code. Who can help to get it?
Dear friends,
I'm looking for Russian building code and regulation (SNiP). If anyone can help me?
Thanks, but i can only read in English.
SNIP 2.01.07-85 Load and effects,
SNIP 2.01.02-85 fire codes,
building codes,
SNIP 2.03.01-84 construction standards and regulations for concrete and reinforced concrete structure
All of these are required.
Hi all,
Does anyone can share the following books:
1- Handbook of concrete and R.C. design to SNiP ( In English )
2- Loads and effects (SNiP 2.01.07-85 in English)
Friends I need the following SNIPs, If anyone shares, I will remain gratefull to him.
SNIP 2.01.07-85 Loads and Effect
SNIP 2.02.01-83 Building and Structure Foundations
SNIP Concrete Structures
SNIP II-23-81 Steel Structures
SNIP III-18-75 Metal Structures
SNIP RK 2.03-04-2001 Construction in Seismic Areas
SNIP RK B.1.2-4-98 Seismic Design
I would like, if someone has, geotehnical SNIPs in english.
Please provide
SNiP 2.02.01-83 english
thanks in advance.
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Could we ?
Thanks for your participation.
Hi. Have anybody
VSN ВСН 015-89 High Voltage power lines SNiP and construction codes = (ВСН ВСН 015-89)
in English?
Dear Friends,
I have a problem, I need the following "GOST" and "SNIP" Standards if it possibly in English:
SNIP 2.04.01-85 Domestic Water Supply and....
NPB 104-03 Fire alarm Notification....
SNIP 2.01.02-85 Fire Protection Code
SNIP 21-01-91 Fire safety of Buildings and Structures....
NPB 105-03 Guidelines for Determining....
PPB 01-03 Russian Federation Fire Safety Regulations
SNIP Storage Facilities....
NPB 110-03 The list of Buildings.....
If You can help for me, please write an email the following mail address:
Thank you very much for your helps.