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Wind Power for the World: The Rise of Modern Wind Energy (Pan Stanford Series on Renewable Energy Vol 2)

Author: Preben Maegaard, Anna Krenz | Size: 17 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2013 | pages: 676 | ISBN: 9814364932

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This book sheds light on how the modern 3-bladed wind turbine came into being, and who, how and what in the proceeding period caused the success. It looks back over three decades to find the roots of this exciting development, a long cavalcade of developers, inventors, and manufacturers including the Danish authors who themselves were part of the breakthrough. Written for non-specialists, the book covers minimal science, emphasizing the story of how wind power became a worldwide 30-billion-euro business employing nearly one million people.

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My many thanks for the original uploader
Wind Power for the World: International Reviews and Developments
(Pan Stanford Series on Renewable Energy Vol. 3)

Editors: Preben Maegaard, Anna Krenz, Wolfgang Palz | Size: 75.4 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: Pan Stanford Publishing; Int edition (September 26, 2013) | Year: 2013 | pages: 730 | ISBN: 9814411892 ISBN-13: 978-9814411899

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In part 2 of Wind Power for the World, the editors have collected reports and overviews of wind power status and history in various countries, several written by individuals who have made valuable contributions to the successful emergence of wind power. The chapters cover the uphill struggle; wind energy strategies and policies that paved the way; and the creative persons in politics, agencies, institutes, and the industry. It also examines the world societies at large and how solutions to the challenges were found in different countries.

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Wind Power for the World: The Rise of Modern Wind Energy
(Pan Stanford Series on Renewable Energy Vol. 2)

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