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Full Version: CSI products 2013 license generator up to 19/07/2015
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Dear oanm2000,

I didn't create the file, inside is same file lsc.exe file from the post above... and the same thing happen also to me with mcafee... i only de activate the antivirus then run the prog and activate the antivirus again... that's what i did...

But just in case, i didn't create the file i just created a mirror from the post above

and i dont have those file in the process list ("gth60366.exe," "d11host.exe" and "rundl132.exe")
I only reproduced the text from Mirosoft and i don't know if this variant of this virus do the same. I found references from 2008 until the last days and maybe they are some variants.

Another problem is the file posted by shabe as change little bit for sap2000 v14 . I compared the original csimp (hex compared) and the only difference was in 2 places (4 instead 2 giving SAP 14 instead SAP 12).
The files have the same lenght, only a cosmetical change but his file give a virus alert too.
I can say he made deliberately a virus (maybe his computer is infected or this is a false alert) but presenting it as his creation after changing two bytes is very nice for registration member no. 36 (26 Dec 2008) and 5 posts in forum.
Please thanks him for this gift and tell us what we must do with this genius.
My mirrors are from Diquan posted link only

I contributed 'cuz as per oanm2000 note in post#7 The maximum download limit (10) was reached
Posting mirrors when some link is dead is a very good thing. Please check before and in general for every one of us an Antivirus is imperative.
Diquan i understood you only posted a mirror but if the same thing happened with mcafee and you ran the exe with the antivirus disabled you can specify this fact in your post and give a chance others to learn from your experience. I made the same in the past sometimes but i wrote in my post and warn other users.
i check my computer and i dont have those file in the process list ("gth60366.exe," "d11host.exe" and "rundl132.exe")

Do you read post #13 ?
Forget the Microsoft story. Your upload make the same as the batch file of LiviuM and input the commands to lsc.exe but other users antivirus detected the trojan even in the RAR expanding process. I use compiled batch files too but they doesn't give virus alerts.
We have several morals to this thread:
LiviuM: Thanks for the lesson of detachment and pure collaboration.
Usman has done an excellent job, no one can claim you anything: I myself will review the file after the notice of BennyP, exeptional always (I myself thought LiviuM notice could be a false alarm.)
Diquan: Do not you feel guilty about a mistake you made involuntarily. BennyP has explained very good way, just try to be a little more explicit when reporting any detail with any file or link (if you find anything irregular, just mention it, maybe someone else can confirm or rule it).
Shabe: Several antivirus soft have free options, like Avast and McAfee, so it would be good to review your procedures pertaining again to see if it is a problem on your machine or with the file you used for your cooperation. Thank you very much from the forum for your collaboration, but you have to improve some procedures ... To solve problems then!
Thanks a lot to all
Hello, below is my final version of the batch script, with options for all products, lsc.exe and lsco.exe are both required and included.
Big thanks to svero for the generators.
For newer versions or products anyone could pick the right values (like SAPAD or 14 or Per3D) from the original trial version lservrc file.
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CSI Bridge is missing!!

Thanks a lot!!
All Csi Products generator lservc

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