Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Additional Subsection in Structural Ebook
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I like to see additional ebook section specific to Cable Structures where this is a complete different structures from frame.
any idea?
I am proposing these sub folders for

concrete books section;

- general reinforced concrete(RC) design textbook (for books like mosley bungey's)
- prestressed/precast concrete (like tylin's)
- concrete technology (am neville's)
- bridge
- manual/handbook/guideline/technical report (aci technical commitee's reports)
- special topic (yield line theory by Johansen)
- misc (non book material such as course notes and any other stuff for further sub folding later)

geotech and foundation books
- soil mechanics text (like craigs')
- specialised soil mechanics reference
- specialised foundation topic books (like das 'shallow foundation')
- piling
- retaining structure
- manual/handbook/guideline/technical report
- misc (non book material such as course notes and any other stuff for further sub folding later)

hope Admin will consider and others to comment for further improvements/development.
Dear Admin,

Despide the fact that i think there's no high volume of publications, sounds a nice idea create CABLE STRUCTURES!
I think that be done!

