11-14-2014, 08:58 PM
11-14-2014, 11:48 PM
Is it for base isolation? Try Robinson Seismic.
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11-15-2014, 03:31 AM
I use Robinson Seismic LRB, Because:
1- they are invertor of LRB, so they have the right production technology.
2- their products are from nature rubber, so the effect of aging is as minimum as possible.
3- they have a big testing rig, so they can apply common test, prototype and production tests. This will reduce the cost of production.
4- their LRBs had good performance under real earthquakes.
I use Robinson Seismic LRB, Because:
1- they are invertor of LRB, so they have the right production technology.
2- their products are from nature rubber, so the effect of aging is as minimum as possible.
3- they have a big testing rig, so they can apply common test, prototype and production tests. This will reduce the cost of production.
4- their LRBs had good performance under real earthquakes.