07-26-2014, 04:26 PM
Pipelines for Water Conveyance and Drainage
Author: Roger W. Beieler | Size: 1.9 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: ASCE | Year: 2013 | pages: 115 | ISBN: 9780784412749 | 9780784477762
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This manual, Pipelines for Water Conveyance and Drainage, includes a discussion of twenty topics for various pipe materials. The topics discussed include industry standards, available pipe sizes, standard lengths, allowable internal pressures, external load capabilities, protective linings, protective coatings, joints, fi ttings, hydraulic resistance factor, allowable leakage rates, repair methods, installation requirements, backfi ll requirements, special considerations, industry groups, and reference materials.
The need for a concise listing and description of the most commonly used types of pipe for water conveyance and drainage purposes was recognized by ASCE members in the late 1990s. Several new pipe materials were being introduced and new standards for these materials were being developed. Many of the new materials offered several advantages compared to the materials currently available, including reduced cost, longer life, improved fl ow characteristics, and ease of installation. In addition, manufacturers of existing pipe materials often modified and improved their products to make them more competitive.
The pipe materials discussed herein include concrete pipe, steel pipe, ductile iron pipe, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe, molecularly oriented PVC pipe, high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe, polyethylene profile wall pipe, PVC and polypropylene profile wall pipe, corrugated polyethylene pipe, vitrifi ed clay pipe, clay drain tile, fi berglass pipe, and corrugated metal pipe. The intent of the manual is to provide design engineers, utility managers, educators, and planners a concise listing and description of the most commonly used types of pipe for water conveyance and drainage purposes.
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