10-16-2013, 04:41 PM
I have developed a new tool to automate the process of making SAFE models for isolated foundations.
WS SAFE Footings Ver 1.0 Oct 2013
There are two main steps to create and finalize a SAFE model:-
1_Modelling & preliminary sizes
2_Readjustment of sizes and getting the results
This tool does the first step.
I am working on the second step! It will be available in a week! keep checking!
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WS SAFE Footings Ver 1.0 Oct 2013
There are two main steps to create and finalize a SAFE model:-
1_Modelling & preliminary sizes
2_Readjustment of sizes and getting the results
This tool does the first step.
I am working on the second step! It will be available in a week! keep checking!