09-10-2013, 02:27 PM
Seismic Behaviour of Buildings with Transfer Structures in Low-to- Moderate Seismicity Regions
Author: R.K.L. Su Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China | Size: 1.2 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: Earthquake Engineering in the low and moderate seismic regions of Southeast Asia and Australia (2008) | Year: 2008
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A literature review has been conducted aimed at improving the general understanding of the
seismic response of concrete buildings with transfer structures in low-to-moderate seismicity regions. This
paper summarizes and discusses the existing codified requirements for transfer structure design under seismic
conditions. Based on the previous shaking table test results and numerical findings, the seismic effects on the
inelastic behaviours of transfer structures are investigated. The mechanisms for the formation of a soft storey
below transfer floors, the abrupt change in inter-storey drift near transfer storeys and shear concentration due
to local deformation of transfer structures are developed. Design principles have been established for controlling
soft-storey type failure and minimizing shear concentration in exterior walls supported by transfer structures.
The influence of the vertical positioning of transfer floors on the seismic response of buildings has also
been reviewed.
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