Dear Users

I need all of your help & reply (+ or -) for this topic.
I have no idea about computer languages like C++, C#, dot NET, VB...etc. I never studied these languages.But now it is my dream to study these languages. My aim is to develop Tekla Structures Applications, Extensions.....etc.
As a beginner, i don't know where i need to start to fulfill my dream. Now a days lot of extensions & applications developing in tekla structures.I can use these products but, i don't know how to develop a new application based on our requirement.
First i am planning to study C#. For this a lot of help files available in internet.But how i can start C# study. i.e. before starting this any other knowledge i required? any other language i should study?.....etc. Same way i need to study dot NET & VB for Tekla applications.
I saw these good threads in our forum. Really good & interesting

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So in conclusion, Pls Let me know where i should start to learn Tekla programming Languages.
If anybody have good study materials, Pls share with me. Also share all of your knowledge, experience to this topic.
My advance sincere thanks to all.
Dear mecheil.edwar,
I am using Tekla Structures for Structural steel design & Detailing i.e. i know tekla structures software & its use.But every year there is an upgraded version coming for Tekla. A lot of new extensions, applications, plugins...etc developed in every year.
Then we are studying these all applications, extension...etc & using in our profession.These applications developed by tekla team for the general purpose (for all company).Then i think why i can't develop such an extensions, applications, plugins ..etc for our common purpose.For achieving that dream only i started to study Tekla Open API.
But i am a Civil Engineer & i don't have any knowledge in Computer Languages like C, C++, C#,dot Net, VB...etc.So for achieving my dream i need to study these languages as a beginner. For that only I requested all of your help.
Here is one example of discussion about Object.inp file in Tekla in one forum.
I am trying to create an objects.inp file so that parts on Tekla have some custom User Defined Attributes. This is the objects.inp I have created with the help of the Part User Attribute Setup tool:
unique_attribute("ATT_499_FLD_EXPORTED", "Exported", option, "%s", No, none, "0.0", "0.0")
value("j_no", 1)
value("j_yes", 0)
unique_attribute("ATT_499_FLD_EXPORTABLE", "Exportable", option, "%s", No, none, "0.0", "0.0")
value("j_no", 1)
value("j_yes", 0)
unique_attribute("ATT_499_FLD_PROJECT", "Project", string, "%s", No, none, "0.0", "0.0")
value("", 0)
unique_attribute("ATT_499_FLD_CHAPTER", "Chapter", string, "%s", No, none, "0.0", "0.0")
value("", 0)
unique_attribute("ATT_499_FLD_WORK_ORDER", "Work order", string, "%s", No, none, "0.0", "0.0")
value("", 0)
unique_attribute("ATT_499_FLD_MAIN_WORK_ORDER", "Main work order", string, "%s", No, none, "0.0", "0.0")
value("", 0)
unique_attribute("ATT_499_FLD_MANUF_ORDER", "Manufacturing order", string, "%s", No, none, "0.0", "0.0")
value("", 0)
unique_attribute("ATT_499_FLD_STATE_MANUF", "State: In manufacturing", option, "%s", No, none, "0.0", "0.0")
value("j_no", 1)
value("j_yes", 0)
unique_attribute("ATT_499_FLD_STATE_PREP", "State: Prepared for expedition", option, "%s", No, none, "0.0", "0.0")
value("j_no", 1)
value("j_yes", 0)
unique_attribute("ATT_499_FLD_STATE_SENT", "State: Shipped", option, "%s", No, none, "0.0", "0.0")
value("j_no", 1)
value("j_yes", 0)
unique_attribute("ATT_499_FLD_STATE_CERT", "State: Certified", option, "%s", No, none, "0.0", "0.0")
value("j_no", 1)
value("j_yes", 0)
unique_attribute("ATT_499_FLD_STATE_INVOI", "State: Invoiced", option, "%s", No, none, "0.0", "0.0")
value("j_no", 1)
value("j_yes", 0)
tab_page("TOAS_499","My tab",499)
tab_page("TOAS_499","My tab",499)
tab_page("TOAS_499","My tab",499)
contourplate(0,"Contour plate")
tab_page("TOAS_499","My tab",499)
concrete_beam(0,"Concrete beam")
tab_page("TOAS_499","My tab",499)
concrete_column(0,"Concrete column")
tab_page("TOAS_499","My tab",499)
pad_footing(0,"Pad footing")
tab_page("TOAS_499","My tab",499)
strip_footing(0,"Strip footing")
tab_page("TOAS_499","My tab",499)
tab_page("TOAS_499","My tab",499)
tab_page("TOAS_499","My tab",499)
The problems is that , although I have defined all my attributes as "unique_attribute", if I create a steel column, fill that attributes with some values and copy the column to another place, some attributes' values are copied and some are not. The only two attributes that work as they should and have their default values on the second column are "ATT_499_FLD_PROJECT" and "ATT_499_FLD_CHAPTER", but I can't see any difference in their definitions.
Am I doing something wrong?
But you know , when i read this from one forum, i feel some letters with some brackets. i.e. i didn't understand anything from this.In my mind i am very interested to study this But,How it is possible?
Then only i feel may be i can learn this by studying computer languages . I am straight forward to everybody & can easily tell that i don't know anything about computer languages.
So please help me to fulfill my dream with my good effort .
Please teach me
First some clarification:
.NET is not a programming language. It's a application development farmework provided by Microsoft. Microsoft hopes with this framework, developers can programming without worries about platform (e.g. operating system). Current version release of this framework is 4.5. Other programming language implemented ON this framework and using its features. Latest development tool of Microsoft is Visual Studio 2012, A sophisticated enviroment for programming in Visual C#, Visual Basic, Visual C++ and many others.
If you dont have any exprience in programming, in first step simply taste it!. using a book such Programming For Dummies By Wang (Wiley, 2007) is good place for start. Trust me, this book give you overview on world of programming.
C# is a very powerfull language. You DO NOT need knowlege in any programming language before start to learning programming in it.
Again I suggest this book:
Beginning Visual C# 2012 (Wrox, 2012)
After step three, you have a solid base in programming and easily you can choise next step. I don't have any exprience in Teckla Add-in development but I developed some for SAP2000 and AutoCAD and principle should be same.
I hopes you best in programming!

(05-01-2013, 01:28 AM)kvtasp Wrote: [ -> ]But somebody will not share their knowledge to others.
Beleive me Programming it is not easy as you think .. I mean you can not find answer for your question every time because simple no one can answer..
I am trying to learn programming since several years .. I got good information.. and I built some applications .. But the graphical application that I try to build till now I could not acheive...
Programming , is not like solution manuals , we can read it and we can find solutions for most of problems...
to learn you have to be patiant , and you have to search and read in several resources , it is like researcher , either you can find what you looking for .. or you get nothing...
I encourage you to continue..and be patient .. and start learning C++ or C# whatever you want...
the codes I see ..first you have to visit tekla web site and try to get any information about this kind of code .. It maybe some thing prepared manily for tekla custmization..
I expect it is C++ or C#
But tekla itself is written by C++
Kind Regards