Can anybody tell me if i should buy this software?
I saw videos and also a friend of mine during his BSc was using it, but for small projects.
He cannot say for sure if this is a software that he would buy. I think it has a lot of capabilities but what about its analysis?
It can generate all drawings of reinforcement and steel connections.
The price is not a big problem because most technical software prices are about the same cost.
If someone has or had used it i would be very grateful if i could learn more about it.
Thank you

I use SCIA Engineer as my main analysis software (mainly bridge design), I have used others but like scia the most ( it’s one of the standard programs to use in the Benelux )
Some remarks:
-The user interface is easier on the eye then other programs (personal choice of course).
-Calculations are very fast for linear combination of loads, non-linear combination calculations take the same time as other programs I have seen.
-I have yet to see a FE structural analysis program that makes correct reinforcement drawings, these might be okay for a picture in a paper or something but not for a execution plan. There are better tools for that.
-Like any FE structural software you have to know what the correct input is... So it takes time to learn although it is a normal learning curve.
I would recommend the use.
Has anyone tried the optimization of buildings function of this software? Are you satisfied by it? How fast is it, can you outperform it by hand? Is it practical, do you use it daily?
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Hello colleagues,
my response is very late...
I am now a user of Scia Engineer and i assure you that it exports the best and cost effective sections.
It is quite fast but it has to do on how many members you would like to get optimized.
They said that they will update the Autodesign feature of profiles to make it faster and they will make Scia Engineer 64 bit!
I do not use it daily but when i do i am quite happy with it.
It is practical enough because it is a very simple procedure.
I found a document for you LiviuM. It is old but the software itself is updated.
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