04-11-2013, 09:14 AM
Application of Seismic Cone for characterization of Ground Improvement by Vibro Replacement
Author: Ali Amini Asalemi | Size: 29.4 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: The University of British Columbia | Year: 2006 | pages: 342
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Abstract :
The objective of this thesis was to gain a better understanding of physical process of ground improvement by vibro-replacement and of how the induced changes is ground conditions affect the interpretation of seismic cone penetration testing used to asses its effectiveness. This was achieved by a combination of field testing and monitoring supported by numerical modelling of both the vibro-replacement process and of in situ testing. Field measurement were made of the input motions created by the vibrator and the induced response of the ground. The measured vibrator motions were input to a numerical model of the soil mass and the results of the analysis were compared to the measure data. The results of seismic cone testing before and after a 15 sites and existing chamber test data were analyzed and additional numerical modeling of seismic cone testing in the post treatment ground conditions was carried out.
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