03-12-2013, 02:25 PM
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Author: Imran Ahmad Dar and Mithas Ahmad Dar | Size: 96 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: InTeOpP | Year: 2011 | pages: 646 | ISBN: 9533074689 9789533074689
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The principal aim of this book is to present the reader with a broad overview of Earth and Environmental Sciences. The recent research will provide the reader with a useful foundation for discussing and evaluating specific environmental issues, as well as for developing ideas for problem solving.
The book has been divided into nine sections: Geology, Geochemistry, Seismology, Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Mineralogy, Soil, Remote Sensing and Environmental Sciences.
Part 1 Geology
1 Geophysics and Wine in New Zealand
2 Geological Carbon Dioxide Storage in Mexico: A First Approximation
3 Late Proterozoic - Paleozoic Geology of the Golan Heights and Its Relation to the Surrounding Arabian Platform
4 Geology for Tomorrow's Society: Some Nordic Perspectives
5 Geology and Geotectonic Setting of the Basement Complex Rocks in South Western Nigeria: Implications on Provenance and Evolution
Part 2 Geochemistry
6 The Organic-Rich and Siliceous Bahloul Formation: Environmental Evolution Using Facies Analysis and Sr/Ca and Mn Chemostratigraphy, Bargou Area, Tunisia
7 Petrography, Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Late-Stage Granites: An Example from the Glen Eden Area, New South Wales, Australia
Part 3 Seismology
8 Seismic Illumination Analysis with One-Way Wave Propagators Coupled with Reflection/Trans miss ion Coefficients in 3D Complex Media
9 Seismic Ground Motion Amplifications Estimated by Means of Spectral Ratio Techniques: Examples for Different Geological and Morphological Settings
10 Slope Dependent Morphometric Analysis as a Tool Contributing to Reconstruction of Volcano Evolution
11 Beneficiation of Talc Ore
Part 4 Hydrology
12 Water Resources Assessment for Karst Aquifer Conditioned River Basins: Conceptual Balance Model Results and Comparison with Experimental Environmental
Tracers Evidences
13 Fundamental Approach in Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport Modelling Using the Finite Difference Method
14 Deposits from the Glacial Age at Lake Baikal
15 Application of Illite- and Kaolinite-Rich Clays in the Synthesis of Zeolites for Wastewater Treatment
Part 5 Hydrogeology
16 Natural Radioactive Isotopes in Water in Relation with Geology and Hydrological Investigations in the Territory of Luxembourg
Part 6 Minerology
17 Carbonate-Hosted Base Metal Deposits
18 Simulation of Tunnel Surrounding Rock Mass in Porous Medium with Hydraulic Conductivity Tensor
Part 7 Soil
19 Soil Contamination by Trace Metals: Geochemical Behaviour as an Element of Risk Assessment
20 Evaluation of Soil Hydraulic Parameters in Soils and Land Use Change
Part 8 Remote Sensing
21 Integration of Satellite Imagery, Geology and Geophysical Data
Part 9 Environmental Sciences
22 Climate History and Early Peopling of Siberia
23 Multivariate Analysis Techniques in Environmental Science
24 Accumulation of Bio Debris and Its Relation with the Underwater Environment in the Estuary of Itanhaem River, Sao Paulo State
25 The Permo-Triassic Tetrapod Faunal Diversity in the Italian Southern Alps
26 Genomics of Bacteria from an Ancient Marine Origin: Clues to Survival in an Oligotrophic Environment
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