Does one have information on how you can get accepted to follow study in Germany after graduation to get a Master
Is there a good universities can Join
I want all the details, costs, accommodation and work and the duration of the study and what are the qualifications required and what is the language of study
i think that the top universities in structural engineering are: TU Dresden, TU Darmstad and RWTH AACHEN. The language of study is germany.
The monthly cost is about 700 euros and are to pay for your lodging, meals and transportation. The university is free and almost 100% are public, only pay tuition and health insurance that are like 100 euros per semester.
You should contact your college professor you want and send the papers to the university asks. Also ask you for letters of recommendation and a letter of motivation.
The duration is 4 semester other 2 year.
good luck.
wow diseñador..... You said TU Dresden as a top University.....
I am really honored cause I alumni from TU Dresen.......Thank you....Danke Schon....
Today, universties in germany, some of them are in English language course.
Duration of the Master course is 4 semesters (Maximun 4 Years).
The fee are mainly for free transportation.... but some facutly include meal and accomodation.
You can get information about the apply in the Univeristies website. or look the daad website.
Oh, There are also evaluation, if you fail twice in same subject you will DO.....

so think careful before take the exam...........

The admission are open twice (Winter and Summer)....but for engineering only Winter.
Montly spent depent on the region and your need, in Munchen 700 euro is not enough, because 700 you get only for 1 month accomodation........
good luck hunting information.....viel spaß
Hallo oejangs,
Have you studied the master in Dresden?
Could you tell me more about the exam?
I am told that one of the best universities in Structural Engineering Masters is the RWTH Aachen. Is that true?
What think you about Darmstad?
I am studying German and want to apply later this year.
Auf Wiedersehen und Danke schön.
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Halo disenador,
yes I had finished my Master course in TU Dresden, I took Hydroscience & Engineering....
about the exam, officially when the semester ended they are examination periode, but if you think not prepare or not sure pass the subject, dont register the subject for the exam,
talk to your prof, and discuss what is your problem, and make appoitment that you will take the exam in another day. They will agree that, so evaluation in twice is not major problem........but still the maximun for the Master course is 4 year, if longer that
For the germany people, they think all the Univercities are same level, which part the best they can not answer.
I got some information from my friend which took Dr in vocational education in Germany,
All study in Germany are provide by Goverment and the concept of the education is to create people when graduate from germany system will ask WHY not HOW......
He give a simple sample, when make a table, the are 4 leg / 4 corner and 1 plate....
the ussually system teach the people to make a table must 4 corner and 1 plate, but germany system teach the people why must 4 corner and if not what will happen.........
so, which are the best, it can not decide because with the same methode and same system, but outside germany, are look from how many the alumni which work in big company(Siemens, Bosh, Mercy, BMW,Boeing).
so Joker and disenador, have fun searching and good luck for the study......
I am really sorry if my English language not so well