Manual for the Design of Hollow Core Slabs
This document is intended to cover the primary design requirements for hollow core floor and roof systems. In instances where the design is no different than for other prestressed members, the PCI DesignHandbook and theACIBuildingCode should be consulted formore in-depth discussion. For the architect or consulting engineer, this manual is intended as a guideline for working with hollow core slabs, a guide for the use and application of hollowcore slabs and an indication of some of the limitations of hollow core slabs. For the plant engineer, the manual will hopefully present some backup and reference material for dealing with everyday design problems.
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Author: Donald R. Buettner and Roger J. Becker | Size: 1.8 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: PCI (PRECAST / PRESTRESSED CONCRETE INSTITUTE) | Year: 1998 | pages: 141 | ISBN: 0--937040--57--6
Purpose of Manual
The application and design of precast, prestressed hollow core slabs is similar to that of other prestressed members. However, there are situations which are unique to hollow core slabs either because of the way the slabs are produced or because of the application of the slabs. For special situations, hollow core producers have developed design criteria and conducted inhouse testing to verify that their approaches are valid. In fact, there is consistency between the many types of hollow core slabs available. The purpose of thismanual is to bring together those things that are common, that are verified by test and that can be universally applied to hollow core slabs. Because there are differences, some topics coveredwill also point to the differences where closer coordination with the local producer is required. This manual was prepared byComputerized Structural Design, S.C.,Milwaukee,Wisconsin with input and direction from the PCIHollow Core Slab Producers Committee. Additionally, the fire and acoustical sections were prepared by Armand Gustaferro of The Consulting Engineers Group, Inc., Mt. Prospect, Illinois and AllenH. Shiner of Shiner and Associates, Inc., Skokie, Illinois, respectively.
All reasonable care has been used to verify the accuracy of material contained in this manual. However, the manual should be used only by those experienced in structural design and should not replace good structural engineering judgment. Scope of Manual This document is intended to cover the primary design requirements for hollow core floor and roof systems. In instances where the design is no different than for other prestressed members, the PCIDesignHandbook and the ACIBuildingCode should be consulted for more in-depth discussion. For the architect or consulting engineer, this manual is intended as a guideline for working with hollow core slabs, a guide for the use and application of hollow core slabs and an indication of some of the limitations of hollow core slabs. For the plant engineer, the manual will hopefully present some backup and reference material for dealing with everyday design problems.
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