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Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Shell Elements - MSc Thesis

Author: Osman Burkan Isgor | Size: 6.07 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Scanner | Publisher: Osman Burkan Isgor | Year: 1997 | pages: 231

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Design process of a reinforced concrete shell element involves two major steps: analysis
and design. Development of the computerized linear elastic analysis techniques, such as
the finite element method, has essentially solved the first part of the problem. Design, on
the other hand, is not as easy to handle since the number of unknowns is larger than the
number of available equations of statics. Due to this fact, many design methods have been
developed by various researchers. This thesis attempts to compare the more important
existing methods of analysis of orthogonally reinforced concrete shell elements with each
other. A Windows-based computer program is written in Visual Basic to implement these
methods and to facilitate the analysis. First, the selected results of the methods are
compared with available experimental data. Since the amount of experimental results is
not adequate for a definitive compariso~ a parametric study is carried out. The modified
compression field theory is used as a reference in the parametric study. The effects of
loading, reinforcement ratio, and concrete strength on the strength of a total of 720 panels
investigated. The research showed that under highly unsymmetrical loading conditions,
and in the cases where the reinforcement ratio in one orthogonal direction is quite different
from the one in the other direction (highly orthotropic ), the accuracy of the existing
methods of analysis significantly decreases. Change in concrete strength played an
important role only in the methods which used simple models for concrete behaviour.
Based on the present investigation, suitable methods are identified for different load
cases, and recommendations for future work are made.

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