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Origin Pro 9.0
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OriginLab Corporation, a leading publisher of data analysis and graphing software, announced the release of OriginPro version 9. The new version provides a set of features and enhancements that were developed based on customer feedback and industry demand.

Origin and OriginPro are used by more than 150,000 customers worldwide, spanning Fortune 500 companies, research institutions, and colleges and universities across various disciplines including physics, chemistry, biology, pharmacology, engineering, and manufacturing.

The most significant feature in Origin 9 is enhanced 3D graphing using OpenGL, the industry standard for high-performance graphics. This significantly boosts performance for plotting and editing 3D graphs created from large datasets. Users can now rotate, pan, and zoom within 3D graphs to examine details much more efficiently than in previous versions. Improvements in 3D graphing also include 3D parametric function plots, the ability to plot multiple stacked surfaces in a single graph layer, and enhanced support for error bars and labels.

Another key feature in Origin 9 is the ability to reduce data in worksheets by applying filters to one or more columns. This enables users to quickly reduce large datasets and have all associated graphs and analysis results automatically update when filter conditions are modified. Additional new functionality includes video creation from graphs, an improved vertical cursor gadget that operates across multiple graphs, and the ability to place graphs as floating objects on worksheets for easy report creation. OriginPro contains all of the Origin 9 features, as well as new tools for implicit function fitting and IIR filter design.

Significant enhancements available in Origin 9 span all major areas of the software. New features and improvements include:

- High-performance 3D graphing using OpenGL
- 3D parametric function plots
- Movie creation
- Data filter
- Floating graphs in worksheets
- Global vertical cursor
- Implicit function fitting (OriginPro)
- IIR filter design (OriginPro)
- 3D surface plots from XYZ data
- 3D bar plots with Z error and 3D scatter plots with XYZ errors
- Improved scatter matrix plot
- Improved data info dialog
- Context menu to easily swap data from graphs

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Origin Pro 9.0 SR1

Size: 488 MB
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Bugs Fixed in 9.0 SR1
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Origin Pro 9.0 SR1
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OriginLab OriginPro 9.1 SR2

Size: 582 MB
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OriginLab, a leading publisher of data analysis and graphing software, announced the release of OriginPro version 9.1. The new version includes a set of features and enhancements that were developed based on customer feedback and industry demand. Origin and OriginPro are used by more than 500,000 registered customers worldwide, spanning Fortune Global 500 companies, research institutions, and colleges and universities across various disciplines including physics, chemistry, biology, pharmacology, engineering, and manufacturing.

Origin 9.1 provides more than 200 new features and improvements to version 9.0, which was released in 20112 year. Among the key enhancements in version 9.1 are new graph types, including Grouped Box Chart and Column/Bar Plot, Piper Diagram, 3D Ternary Surface Plot, 3D Waterfall Plot, 100% Stacked Column/Bar Plot, and Marginal Histogram/Box Chart. Several time-saving features are also included, such as Batch Plotting to create duplicate graphs from other worksheets and columns, Batch Analysis on multiple data plots using interactive gadgets, copying and pasting analysis operations to new data, and a custom worksheet header row for quickly assigning and editing column formulas.

Another key feature in Origin 9.1 is a redesigned graph axis dialog. The new tree-based dialog design provides a number of additional advanced options for graph customization, including multiple axis breaks with customizable break gaps and break indicators, user-defined axes scales, and tick label tables, which are particularly useful for grouped data plots. The latest version also introduces auto-positioning of labels in graphs, with the ability to add leader lines and to place labels arbitrarily such as attaching to data plot, to axes, or at fixed positions within the graph layer. New data analysis features include Akima Spline interpolation, Lowess and Loess smoothing, and several improvements to existing analysis tools.

OriginPro contains all of the Origin 9.1 features, as well as new tools for Partial Least Square Regression, additional Power & Sample Size tests, an Orthogonal Distance Regression algorithm for Nonlinear Curve Fitting, a tool to fit and rank multiple fitting models, and a gadget to perform 2D integration over a region of interest.

Significant enhancements available in Origin 9.1 span all major areas of the software. New features and improvements include:

- New Graph Types, including Grouped Box Charts, Grouped Column/Bar Plots, 3D Waterfall Plot, 3D Ternary Surface Plot, Piper Diagram, Marginal Histogram/Box Chart
- Improved Polar Plot
- Multiple Axis Breaks, User-Defined Axis Scale, Multiple Special Tick Labels
- Smart Labeling: Auto-positioning of Data Labels
- Batch Plotting
- Formula Label Row in Worksheets
- Batch Analysis using Gadgets
- Copy and Paste Analysis Operations
- Partial Least Square Regression
- Akima Spline Interpolation, Lowess and Loess Smoothing

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OriginLab OriginPro 9.2 SR0

Size: 629 MB
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OriginLab, a leading publisher of data analysis and graphing software, announced the release of OriginPro version 9.2 SR0. The new version includes a set of features and enhancements that were developed based on customer feedback and industry demand.

Origin is an application with tools for data analysis, publication-quality graphing, and programming. Origin contains powerful tools for all of your analytic needs, including peak analysis, curve fitting, statistics, and signal processing. To make data analysis more efficient, Origin supports many common formats for importing data, and exporting results.

Origin and OriginPro are used by more than 500,000 registered customers worldwide, spanning Fortune Global 500 companies, research institutions, and colleges and universities across various disciplines including physics, chemistry, biology, pharmacology, engineering, and manufacturing.

About OriginLab

Founded in 1992, OriginLab develops data analysis and graphing software for users in corporations, government agencies, colleges and universities worldwide. Its flagship products, Origin and OriginPro, provide a comprehensive solution for scientists and engineers at any technical level to analyze, graph, and professionally present data. OriginLab has offices in Northampton and Wellesley, Mass., and Guangzhou, China

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