11-08-2012, 01:38 AM
BIPS-05: Preventing Structures from Collapsing
Author: Weidlinger Associates, Inc. | Size: 9 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate, Infrastructure | Year: June 2011 | pages: 196
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This Technical Report describes Weidlinger Associates, Inc.’s Phase
I effort to study the effects of Blast in Urban Environments under
sponsorship of the Department of Homeland Security. This effort
represents a wide ranging investigation into Urban Blast effects including
(a) the influence of the presence of buildings on the blast pressures propagating
from explosions located in urban settings, (b) the potential for
these blast pressures to damage primary structural members of buildings,
© the sensitivity of several common building design types to experience
progressive collapse due to damage of key support members, and (d) the
likelihood that blast pressures may damage building equipment needed
for Emergency Evacuation, Rescue and Recovery operations.
The results and insights from this broad based investigation were integrated
within a fast running software program specifically focused on the
Manhattan Financial District. This tool represents a ‘proof of concept’
demonstration of an approach for a quick running software tool for security
planning and first responders’ uses.
This first phase effort lays the technical foundation and software
framework for refining the approach in later phases and adapting the
methodology for other critical urban centers in the Unitied States.
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