Dear mecheil.edwar,
I'm happy to see an update of your progress and that you're still enjoying it and so didn't give up.
I've recently discovered a new trend in engineering software industry, WPF and .NET.
It looks like you're swimming against the current

For me seeing Sap, Etabs, Tekla using WPF in their latest products it's a sad surprise, WPF looks crap and it's slow. Well at least .Net is easy/very easy to decompile and so ..., have a look inside, fix some annoying bugs if developers ignore those

You're moving towards the fastest and most difficult solution while the "industry" is heading for the easiest and slow/slowest solution

, it's funny.
Sadly WPF is implemented just like win forms, the same windows, buttons with new colors, fancier. Tekla still lacks a decent windows management like docking floating panels, tabbed view/viewports. And waiting for about 1 minute (while it's "jitted") for the frame section definition window in Etabs 2013 is really annoying.
WPF + docking windows looks nice and is useful in Visual Studio 2012 Gui.
And according to glitches, on latest, expensive, hardware, I believe Office 2013 Excel, uses it too.
I've relearned OpenGL, until a few months ago I knew only the classic version, like display lists, immediate mode but no shader and buffers vbo. I've learned GLSL, OpenGL 2.1, and up to modern 3.3.
I'm simply amazed how I can send some data to the gpu, write, compile, link, build, run, my "just in time" c syntax shader code stored in a string and in milliseconds retrieve the results. It's easier than compiling, running, attaching C# scripts.
I wish I had the time for GPU solvers:
Fast and Accurate Finite-Element Multigrid Solvers for PDE Simulations on GPU Clusters, Dominik Göddeke, has code samples.
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I actually found a decent comparison, speed of c# vs c++.
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And some nice words about garbage collector, reference counting, in c++.
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I've talked to some friends they work for an outsourcing company they do testing/debugging of applications made by some other companies. An army of programmers, a lot of money, and what for, buggy slow software, I wonder.
This year, win 8.1, I dealt with:
- a pointless ON/OFF software made by Gigabyte which installed a memory leaking applecharger.sys driver (I don't own apple products). In 3 hours 27GB of free ram were all filled by that crap. When a driver has memory leaks you can't see which one in process view, just with RamMap a large amount in Nonpaged Pool. Driver Verifier might help. google for: windows 8.1 memory leaks, you'll find drivers, antivirus, pointless software, almost anything leaks

- Autocad 2014 LT flickering when multiple drawings were open, and not saved by autodesk software. Fixed using a registry trick, not by service pack.
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- Autodesk 360 was crashing windows explorer, windows was restarting it, and so the desktop background was changing. All file copy/cut windows closed, not restarted

. I've searched for weeks why explorer crashes when background changes

. Uninstalled 360, now properties window/tab in autocad shows only two items

. Reinstalled 360 & removed it from startup, all properties show.
- from time to time computer freezes wonder why

. So thank you software developers and license dealers.
Best wishes