06-01-2012, 01:54 PM
Statistics for Environmental Engineers - 2nd Edition
Author: Linfield C. Brown, Paul Mac Berthouex | Size: 7.55 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: January 29, 2002 | pages: 512 | ISBN: 1566705924, ISBN-13: 978-1566705929
Two critical questions arise when one is confronted with a new problem that involves the collection and analysis of data. How will the use of statistics help solve this problem? Which techniques should be used? Statistics for Environmental Engineers, Second Edition helps environmental science and engineering students answer these questions when the goal is to understand and design systems for environmental protection. The second edition of this bestseller is a solutions-oriented text that encourages students to view statistics as a problem-solving tool.
Written in an easy-to-understand style, Statistics for Environmental Engineers, Second Edition consists of 54 short, "stand-alone" chapters. All chapters address a particular environmental problem or statistical technique and are written in a manner that permits each chapter to be studied independently and in any order. Chapters are organized around specific case studies, beginning with brief discussions of the appropriate methodologies, followed by analysis of the case study examples, and ending with comments on the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches.
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