09-13-2009, 05:23 PM
Recommendations for the Seismic Design of High-rise Buildings
![[Image: 41y7jek77pdvvmtx97wc.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/41y7jek77pdvvmtx97wc.jpg)
There is a resurgence of high rise and ultra-high rise building construction around the world. The design of these tall buildings in seismically active regions varies dramatically from region to region.
Whereas rigorous performance-based assessments are required in some countries, including Japan and China, many other countries do not require anything beyond traditional design practice that is based on fundamental mode response and force reduction factors.
The objective of this Guide is to set out best-practice principles for the seismic design of high rise buildings for any level of seismic hazard. Best practice for high rise buildings is not represented by the traditional design codes such as the Uniform Building Code (UBC) [ICBO, 1997] or its successor, the International Building Code (IBC) [ICC, 2006]. Although these codes are referenced for the design of high rise buildings in many countries, in part because the UBC (IBC) forms the basis for many national building codes, they are not suitable as the seismic design basis for high rise buildings.
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