I found there is not much crack for the new Midas software since Midas release its 2010 version, from Midas Civil 2010 to 2012, Midas Gen, Midas building, etc.
The existing crack are for the old version.
I think it could be because it is much difficult to make a medicine or because other software like SAP, Robot, etc.. is more attractive to users.
Well, generally this is not cracking forum, nevertheless there are some members that had nice achievements. So, don't expect deep discussion.
What I can say about Midas' programs is that the authors are almost paranoiacs and use several protection tools one on top of the other. So, lets say that it will take a long time for the "professionals" to solve the puzzle. Another thing is the closed circle that appears in software development, that the more protected is the software - the less users and popularity it has, and this leads to small demand. The small demand on a program makes it uninteresting for the crackers. Also the competition is very strong, and Midas has two problems: It is a new player compared to much older and popular "programs; and is not "white company" (meaning it is difficult to them to break in the Euro-American market. They tried to collaborate with TNO-Diana to compensate this.
In two words - the crackers prefer easy and popular programs. The users prefer popular and "...." programs. So, who cares about Midas? Maybe only those with itchy hands to play with something new, and to increase their software collection

I do agree that the protection they used for Midas softwares is very difficult to solve however this does mean that because they are not popular, people will just tend to ignore these programs. In fact if you look closely they are way ahead of the much older and popular softwares, for example midas gen has a lot of advance features not found in more popular softwares like etabs, sap, or staad. It has a lot of features where you cannot even find in any other programs.
Just an example why would a company like SOM and Thornton Tomasetti would be interested in a software like midas gen if they have been using Etabs and Sap in almost all their projects? Simply because they found something in midas gen that would make their design life much easier.
just my two cents
(05-10-2012, 01:03 PM)ynopum Wrote: [ -> ]... So, who cares about Midas? Maybe only those with itchy hands to play with something new, and to increase their software collection ....
Speak for yourself dear friend.
As ASEC said, in some things they are way ahead of the most popular programs. One example, in Midas you can plot in an extruded deformed shape the colored contours for whatever force you want, moment, shear, etc., so you can quickly identify which element is taking the most force. (I´m not taking about ploting force diagrams, but normalized force contours for all and every single element in just a single view) In multistorey structures this is an incredible tool to quickly optimize systems/sections.
But there are a lot more: creep analysis, heat of hydration analysis, automatic compensation of them...
(05-10-2012, 02:54 PM)ASEC Wrote: [ -> ]Just an example why would a company like SOM and Thornton Tomasetti would be interested in a software like midas gen if they have been using Etabs and Sap in almost all their projects? Simply because they found something in midas gen that would make their design life much easier.
just my two cents
Of course, I think you're right, I've tried Midas Gen and is a very powerful soft.
(05-11-2012, 12:12 AM)buddy123 Wrote: [ -> ]LND/MAGNiTUDE/TBE were probably the most prolific crackers circa 2007/08...
Aren´t they cra**ing anymore? I have no idea who is who nowadays in the reverse engineering scene. Any other big group on that?
It's a little complicated also with key.
With key, sw don't run: need an second activation by code from midas (but dont' upgrade the dongle or the software, perhaps sometithing on registry?). I didn't know, i went home, inserted the dongle and program said me " NO!! " (IT sectonr didn't says nothing to me).
So, also with dongle emulator, if you don't have (almost for the first time) the original key, sw don't work
I think Midas Gen is one of the most powerful software in its class on the market. On the contrary, it doesn't have some features like easy way of composite beam design, connection design, footfall analysis and so on yet. I can not understand why a top most software has the absence of these but am sure that this is the reason why it is not so popular among us.
Connection design IMO is a very specialized field and has to be addressed on a separate and very specialized software this is because there are just too many type of connections that a designer can create, probably the most important aspect is interoperability whereby any structural analysis output can be read and used directly in a connection design software.
Nevertheless, some other software developers are heading in that direction by integrating connection design within the structural analysis and design software. Some examples are staadpro and Etabs soon to be released version.