Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: New logo/banner for CivilEA
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Autocad style with ISO standard font on a drawing grid green background:
[Image: 17880606664880132859.gif]

to: all
thanks for your designs, but we prefer simple logo with full word of "CivilEA", this logo should be ability for redesign in special day logo (for example for Christmas, ...)/
I`m waiting for your new designs.
May I suggest the New logo ?

[Image: 76816421643148486835.png]

And this is my 2nd New logo..

[Image: 09342014929294900769.png]

If all civilea staff agree, I will send the original picture..
and here is my another suggestion logo :

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[Image: 80936762107615209815.jpg]
thank you for your effort, but I think we need more expert logo.
I would still go with aMoUr's suggestion, although, eng donny has also a good idea.
Last few suggestion are not so representative. I don't wanna insult anyone, this is only my opinion.
please check this , I've refined it
[Image: scaled.php?server=52&]
May I suggets about the colour?

The logo's colour shall be like a wolrd unity representative, ie: UNO flag.
Because the member come from all around the world..

I am glad to be right here, because in this forum we don't talk (avoid) about any religion, fanaticsm or sentimental to other country..

All the best wishes for CIVILEA !
^ the blue color in the UNO flag will not fit to the forum color however I've tried to mix it check the logo below
[Image: logo2752012.png]
May I suggest ?
Try to make "EA" word colour with blue collour (colour of sky or sea), your logo would perfect.
I think blue could be mix with the forum colour.
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